Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:23:57 AM

Chapter 30: Triumph is the first to recommend it.

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Chapter 30: Triumph is the first to recommend it.

Chapter 30 Triumphant Recommendation

Li Zhong's grandparents and grandson lived in Mo's house. During the day, Li Yan took care of his grandfather and talked with him to relieve his boredom. At night, he slept in the same bed with the Mo Yan sisters. However, Li Zhong's condition kept coming and going. There was no improvement, making the atmosphere at home a little depressing.

Li Zhong could not let go of his daughter's misfortune. He felt that if he had not been ignorant of people and married the ruthless Zhang family, his daughter would not have been abandoned. What worried him most was that his daughter's whereabouts were unknown and he did not know. Life or death, whenever he thought of this, he wanted to kill himself.

Li Zhong's illness was originally caused by a mental illness. How could he be in good health when he was depressed? Whenever her grandfather's condition worsened, Li Yan would become anxious and anxious, wishing she could suffer for her grandfather. She was still young and didn't know how to relieve her grandfather. She could only hide in bed at night and cry secretly.

After a few days like this, Mo Yan couldn't stand it any longer. Although the two families were relatively close, they were outsiders after all. There were some things that she and her father really couldn't talk about. But if this continued, Li Zhong was afraid that he would really kill her. Toss to death.

"Grandpa Li, since you know that you are sorry for Aunt Li, why don't you get better quickly, find a way to find her, and make up for her? If you continue like this, your body will only collapse. Yanzi is still so young, you can't bear to let her die Are you living alone in this world? You have already felt sorry for Aunt Li, do you want to feel sorry for Yanzi again, so that Yanzi's parents can't rest in peace in heaven? "

Mo Yan's words were like a knife, stabbing into Li Zhong's heart. Li Zhong's face instantly turned pale, his hands kept shaking, and his whole body was on the verge of collapse.

Li Yan looked at her grandfather who was in so much pain that she couldn't bear it. She knew that although Sister Yan's words were harsh, they were for her grandfather's good.

Mo Yan couldn't bear to see the old man in such pain, but she persuaded him to be more open-minded and told him that Li Xiu's matter had nothing to do with him, it was all the Zhang family's fault... These words are for those who are cowardly and like to shirk responsibility. It is said to be useful, but for Li Zhong, who loves his daughter so much and has already gone to the extreme, it is of no use at all. Strong medicine is needed to make him wake up completely.

"It's my fault, it's all my fault. If I hadn't insisted on escaping from slavery and my family had not returned to their ancestral home, we would not have been in the war, and we would not have encountered bandits when we fled, and our son and daughter-in-law would not have been in trouble. He wont die, and his daughter wont marry that beast. Its all my fault, its all my fault

Li Zhong's family gained their freedom and originally wanted to return to their ancestral home to settle down. At this time, a man who was close to Li Zhong arranged a matchmaker for his daughter Li Xiu. The man was Zhang Ming.

After some consideration, Li Zhong felt that Zhang Ming was an honest man. He ran a rice shop at home and had no worries about food and drink. Although he felt that Zhang Ming's mother was not easy to get along with, her daughter was gentle, capable and filial, so she should be liked by her husband's family. Coupled with the fact that my old friend was a matchmaker, I agreed to the marriage.

As a result, Li Xiu met an unkind person and ended up with such a miserable ending; her family fled north, but her son and daughter-in-law were both killed. It is no wonder that Li Zhong got into trouble and blamed all the death of his son and daughter-in-law and the misfortune of his daughter on himself. , probably thinking that if he had not insisted on escaping from slavery back then, his family would have been able to live in peace even though they were slaves, instead of being separated forever and their whereabouts unknown now.

Mo Yan sighed deeply. This is probably what ordinary people say: misfortune lies on the back of good fortune, and good fortune lies on the back of misfortune!

Gently rubbing the ancient jade mark on the palm of his hand, Mo Yan had a clearer goal in mind for what he wanted to do in the future.

This night, Li Zhong slept for a long time and did not wake up until the evening. Although his body was still weak and he needed help to get out of bed to eat, his eyes had a different look.

What Mo Yan said inspired all Li Zhong's will. From then on, he had a new goal in life: to take good care of his granddaughter and find his missing daughter.

Mo Yan and Mo Qingze could feel the obvious changes in Li Zhong, and they were secretly happy for the couple. They only hoped that their future life would be smooth and they would not suffer any more torture.

Time flies, and half a month has passed. Li Zhong's condition has been mostly cured, and he only needs to be treated for a while before he can fully recover. Lin Yong's place is also going well, and no one dares to make trouble again. Food can be supplied; Pen practice calligraphy

Everything was moving in a good direction. On this day, Mo Yan took a pair of younger siblings and Li Yan to go shopping. They found that the street was busier than usual. The excitement and excitement on people's faces were undisguised. When they passed by a storyteller When I went to the teahouse, I learned that the south had won the war, and the rebellious refugees had been completely suppressed. It was said that many spies from the enemy country had been captured. In order to promote the country's prestige, the army would return in triumph soon...

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