Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:17:07 AM

Chapter 302: Hu's birth plan should not be pursued by Wu's (4)

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Chapter 302: Hu's birth plan should not be pursued by Wu's (4)

Chapter 302: The Hu family is planning to make plans, and the Wu family is asking for help (4)

Touching the terrible scars on its body, Mo Yan said softly: "This will be your home from now on. Regardless of whether you can still work or not, I will never sell you again."

Maybe there was sand in my eyes. As I ate the red dates, I shed two tears. It was already dark at this time, and Mo Yan didn't see it.New novel chapters are published on

Not long after, Dahongzao started to suffer from diarrhea. Mo Yan stood in the yard and waited for a long time in the cold wind. It was not until it started to eat grass again that she felt relieved and returned to the house.

After dinner, Mo Yan and Li Zhong checked the accounts and found that they had sold more than two taels of silver compared to the previous day. In particular, more than a thousand eggs were sold. Many of them were customers who came to buy them the day before. They ate them very delicious when they went back. They came to buy them again while they were cheap, and even invited some relatives, friends and neighbors to come over.

Girl Yan, if the eggs continue to be sold like this, can you provide eggs from elsewhere? Li Zhong asked with some worry.

Even if the Mo family's wealth would not be ruined by a chicken farm, it would be too risky after all. It would be good to collect eggs from the countryside like this. Even if there are not enough to sell, it would not be a big problem, at least they would not lose money.

Mo Yan smiled and said: "Grandpa Li, I know this well. No matter what, this chicken farm must be started." The fence in the space was full, and if the chickens were not released, it would become a disaster.

Seeing that Mo Yan insisted on raising her, and she had never made any wrong decisions, Li Zhong could only accept the decision worriedly.

Looking at his helpless expression, Mo Yan was also helpless. There were many things that couldn't be explained. Fortunately, she was the one who made the decision at home. Otherwise, let alone the chicken farm, the orchard would not have been built.

As for the origin of the eggs in the shop, Mo Yan only said that they were collected from a village with many chickens through the egg seller. The people in the village feed the chickens with earthworms and worms, so the eggs are particularly delicious.

The story about grain is similar, except that it has made agreements with several villages that grow fragrant rice, and the surplus grain in the villages will be sold to shops. They would collect the grain and eggs and deliver them together, and she would just have to watch and count them in the warehouse.

This statement makes sense without careful consideration. Out of his trust in Mo Yan and the lack of imagination, Li Zhong did not doubt her statement. In addition, he sticks to his duty, and even if he has doubts in his heart, he will not get to the bottom of it.

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