Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:16:41 AM

Chapter 321: A friendly reminder from someone who has an idea (2)

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Chapter 321: A friendly reminder from someone who has an idea (2)

Chapter 321 Someone has an idea and a kind reminder (2)

As soon as the carriage entered the North City Gate, Mo Yan got off the carriage and told Li Zhong that he would go to Mipu for lunch.

Li Zhong nodded in agreement, thinking about cooking two more delicious dishes at noon, and told Mo Yan to be careful before driving the carriage towards Dongshi.

Looking at the still quiet street, Mo Yan turned around and walked into a teahouse.

It was still early, and there were only the shopkeeper and a few clerks in the teahouse who were busy going back and forth. Knowing that the private rooms facing the street on the second floor had already been booked, Mo Yan had no choice but to find a seat in the lobby facing the street and by the window, and ordered a pot of Biluochun, four kinds of dried fruits and four kinds of snacks.

Not long after, there were gradually more and more people in the teahouse. Many of the young ladies, who were surrounded by maids and wives, were warmly welcomed to the private rooms on the second floor by the waiters as soon as they arrived. I don't know whether they were simply watching the fun or coming to see their admirers.

Hearing this, a smile appeared on Mo Yan's lips, but she did not expect that such a cold person would be admired by the scholar. But when she thought of what this man said to her when he came to her house the day before yesterday, she felt a little uncomfortable. She quickly drank a sip of tea and turned her attention elsewhere.

At this time, Scholar B couldn't help pouring cold water: "The battlefield is changing rapidly. Who can guarantee that General Xiao will always be the 'victorious general'? This time is different from the previous small fights. The Ba people came prepared, and only one person was missing." How many months did it take to capture three cities? I heard that tens of thousands of people died, and the bodies of those fallen soldiers were piled higher than our city gates. This battle is not easy to fight!"

Scholar Cs analysis made sense. The other two scholars fell silent and did not refute.

A middle-aged man at the table next to him heard their conversation and couldn't help but turned around and said with a smile: "You scholars just study hard, what do you want to do with so much? No matter how powerful the Taba tribe is, they can't conquer the capital! Besides, the imperial court flower Having spent so much money to support those soldiers, they should be the first to rush forward to protect the safety of our people in Chu, and it is right for them to die for their country."

There is nothing wrong with these words themselves, but they were particularly harsh in the ears of several scholars.

Scholar A slapped the table and stood up and said angrily: "Although we scholars are powerless and cannot go to the battlefield to kill the enemy, we cannot huddle here and enjoy the protection of those soldiers with peace of mind! Those soldiers also have parents and brothers. , they died, what should you do if you leave them as a family?"

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