Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:23:52 AM

Chapter 34: space upgrade

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Chapter 34: space upgrade

Chapter 34 Space Upgrade

In the space, Mo Yan froze on the spot, looking at the land that had expanded nearly fifty times in area, she couldn't believe her eyes!

Pinching her thigh hard, she finally believed that everything in front of her was not a dream. The space had really been upgraded, and suddenly expanded to fifty acres.

But, who can tell her why the space suddenly upgraded? When I came in the night before yesterday, there were only four red lines on the beads!

Mo Yan pressed her forehead in confusion, recalling what she had done in the past two days. She found that there was nothing special. She just saved Xiao Ruiyuan during the chaos of war last night.

By the way, Xiao Ruiyuan!

Mo Yan's eyes widened suddenly. Could it be that the space suddenly upgraded because of him? But how is this possible? She remembered that she had accumulated one hundred and nine red lines in her previous life before ushering in the first upgrade of space. The land area in that upgrade only expanded from one acre to thirty acres, which was less than this time. A whole twenty acres.

The previous life space has been upgraded four times in total. Each upgrade is more difficult than the last. The key to upgrading is the red pattern. The length and thickness of each red streak are different, but I have never encountered anything like this before. Could Xiao Ruiyuan alone be worth more than a hundred red streaks!

Mo Yan suddenly felt that she didn't understand space at all. Just like during this period, she had been supplying food to Lin Yong and the others to help the old, weak, women and children tide over the difficulties. However, more than a month had passed, and the beads had not moved at all. The red lines did not increase, and this time she only saved one Xiao Ruiyuan, so the space was easily upgraded, and so much land was gained all at once.

After thinking about it for a long time, Mo Yan had no clue, so she simply didnt want to think about it anymore. Anyway, the space upgrade was a good thing. With so much land, she could finally do something fun!

Looking at the ripe potatoes and sweet potatoes, Mo Yan started digging with great motivation. He said he was digging, but actually he was pulling them out. The soil in the space is soft and fertile. You only need to gently pull out the potato stems, and the potatoes buried in the soil will come out. The same is true for sweet potatoes. As for those stems, just let them rot in the ground. They are all very good fertilizers.

It took her a long time to collect potatoes and sweet potatoes in nearly an acre of land. After the potatoes and sweet potatoes were collected, she started to pick up eggs with a basket. The number of eggs laid by more than 40 hens every day is very impressive. Due to the fast flow of space and time, ten days have passed in space for one day outside, so every time she comes in, she can pick up more than 400 eggs. In addition to supplying them to grocery stores , and left a few to eat at home, while the others were sent to Lin Yong.

Putting all the eggs into the bamboo basket, Mo Yan felt a little worried looking at the hens running around.

You idiot! Let go!

Xiao Ruiyuan dodged and dodged lightly, but he didn't want to touch the wound on his abdomen. However, his slender jade-like hands still locked the opponent's wrist firmly.

Hmm? My pulse is weak, my inner breath is completely gone, and I clearly have no inner strength at all, but you managed to hide it from my ears. How did you do it?

Mo Yan was just about to give him another kick when he heard such a sentence and was a little dumbfounded for a moment: Who is this from?

Seeing that she didn't speak again, Xiao Ruiyuan lost his patience and shouted impatiently: "Answer me!"

Let me go, do you want to be so confident?

Mo Yan gave him a dirty look, but it was a pity that it was dark and he couldn't see him at all.

"I just want to go to the toilet. I see you standing in the yard. How can I go there? You are thinking about the moon, how can you find me!"

Knowing that the other party did not see her coming out of the space and suddenly appearing in the yard, Mo Yan's rationality suddenly came back and she casually gave a more reliable reason.

Xiao Ruiyuan didn't believe her words. Even if he was lost in thought, he would still retain a trace of vigilance, but he didn't notice it at all just now.

Mo Yan was worried about exposing her flaws and didn't want to tangle with him anymore, so she waved her hand impatiently: "How long do you want to hold on?"

Xiao Ruiyuan quickly let go of his hand, and a hint of dryness suddenly appeared on his ice-like face, but the smoothness between his wrists seemed to still stay in his palm.

Mo Yan snorted, turned around and entered the room, closing the door behind her.

Xiao Ruiyuan stood at the door of the room for a moment, finally put aside the weirdness in his mind, turned around and returned to his room...

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