Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:15:12 AM

Chapter 376: I got thinking and started fighting (1)

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Chapter 376: I got thinking and started fighting (1)

Chapter 376 I got thinking and started fighting (1)

Hearing that her husband was relieved, Mrs. Tang Yu felt happy and started calculating the accounts.

That loser is already ten years old. If she is sold to a wealthy family as a girl, she can only get ten taels of silver at most. But if she is sold to a place like that, she is worth at least thirty or forty taels because of her beauty.

With these forty taels of silver, not only could she pay off the ten taels of usury, but she also had the dowry for her eldest Ya and Erya. She could also build a spacious adobe house and send her youngest son Tang Bao to school.

The more Tang Yushi thought about it, the more beautiful it became, and her smile turned into a chrysanthemum. Just as he was about to say something more to Tang Zhutou, confirming the fact that he had sold the money-losing goods, he heard a noise outside. He craned his neck and saw the money-losing goods standing outside, with washed vegetables scattered everywhere. land.

Well, you **** girl who is suffering from the plague, these vegetables are meant to be sold, but now they have been broken by you, this **** girl, how can they be sold at a good price? I will beat you to death for this useless thing!

Tang Yushi was so angry that she cursed loudly, put her son on the bed, picked up a cane by the wall, rushed outside, and beat Tang Xin all over the head and face.

Looking at the pile of vegetables that she had trampled to pieces and couldn't be sold at all, a twisted smile appeared on Tang Xin's face, and even the cane that hit her body didn't seem to hurt that much.

Tang Xin was beaten for unknown lengths of time. His whole body was numb and he could hardly feel the pain. Tang Yushi finally got tired of the beating, threw away the deformed rattan in his hand, and picked up the trampled vegetables on the ground with a look of pain on his face.

You cheap girl, I should have sold you a long time ago to save you from the disaster of our family. Why dont you die!

Most of the vegetables were trampled and damaged, and there was no way they could be sold on the street. Tang Yu stood up with a curse, raised his hand and slapped Tang Xin hard twice.

In an instant, Tang Xin's cheeks became red and swollen, and her eyes were fixed on Tang Yushi, so bright that it made people feel chilly.

At this time, the two sisters Tang Daya and Tang Erya came back talking and laughing after having enough fun outside.

Seeing Tang Xin's red and swollen cheeks, Tang Daya gloated to Tang Erya: "This money-losing guy got beaten again. Mom, it's true. You can't hit your face anywhere. If your face is broken, how can you sell it?" What a price!

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