Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:15:12 AM

Chapter 377: I got thinking and started fighting (2)

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Chapter 377: I got thinking and started fighting (2)

Chapter 377 I got thinking and started fighting (2)

Looking at his face, which was much prettier than his own even though it was red and swollen, Tang Erya said jealously: "It's best if you break it, so that you don't have to look so charming and hook up with a seven or eight-year-old boy! "

Tang Daya and Tang Erya were born to Tang Yu and her ex-husband. After remarrying Tang Zhutou, she took the Tang surname, but her status in the Tang family was much higher than that of Tang Xin. Many uninformed villagers in the village thought that this They are Tang Zhutou's biological daughters.

In front of Tang Xin, the two sisters exchanged words with each other, and the words they said became more and more unpleasant. They were not at all what a twelve or thirteen year old girl should say. Needless to say, it was obvious that it was Tang Yu. Shi talked unabashedly in front of them and asked them to learn.

Tang Xin bit her lower lip, resisting the urge to beat her two stepsisters, and turned around and left without saying a word. She didn't want to stay in this cold and heartless home for a moment.

Unexpectedly, she just ignored them and walked away. Tang Erya just felt that he had been humiliated and said bitterly: "Look at her eyes with no one in mind. She really thinks of herself as a rich lady. Don't you think she is a rich lady?" Neither of the two girls in the family are as proud as her!"

Looking at the tall door wall made of blue bricks, Tang Xin, who had never stepped into Mo's house before, couldn't imagine what the scene was like inside. She could only hear a few words from other villagers, guessing that the Mo family sleeps in clean and warm big beds every day, wears beautiful and warm clothes, eats fragrant and soft rice, and rides in a comfortable carriage. Go to town.

When Xin'er and Li Yan came back from playing outside, they saw a girl standing at the door of their house. She was looking at the door motionless. She couldn't help but stepped forward and asked, "Girl, what can I do for you?"

Tang Xin's thoughts were interrupted by a sudden voice. She looked at Xin'er blankly, her eyes falling on her unconsciously. When he saw that she was wearing a beautiful soft and shiny leather jacket, envy flashed in her eyes, her hands clenched into fists, and she resisted the urge to reach out and touch it.

Seeing that she was looking at her without speaking, Xin'er was a little confused. She originally wanted to pull Li Yan away, but when she saw Tang Xin's thin and shabby clothes, she couldn't bear it and secretly asked Li Yan: "Is she... Came here to beg?

Li Yan glanced at Tang Xin again and said uncertainly: "I haven't seen her in the village. I don't know if she came here to beg for food!"

In the past, people often came to the village to beg, and after winter there were even more people. Now they saw that Tang Xin's clothes were similar to those people, which made them suspicious.

After hearing this, Xin'er already concluded that Tang Xin was here to beg. Without thinking much, she rushed into the house and took a few leftover meat buns from the kitchen. Thinking of the clothes that could barely cover her body, she went back to the house and found the 80% new cotton-padded jacket she wore last year, took it out and stuffed it into Tang Xin's arms.

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