Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:14:58 AM

Chapter 392: selfinflicted (3)

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Chapter 392: self-inflicted (3)

Chapter 392 Its your own fault (3)

If Yang Bao wanted to make peace with Xini, she would have no choice but to do it herself.

Li Yan came back after closing the door and heard this, and said angrily: "Those people are indeed hateful, especially Wang Dali. I'm afraid he still remembers what happened last time when he drove their family away. It is probably his bad idea this time."

Mo Yan touched his chin, squinted his eyes and said, "Those dozen or so people have suffered such a big loss, and it will probably cost a lot of money to treat their wounds. If it is really Wang Dali's bad idea, the Wang family will not be able to think about peace and quiet these days. "

"Haha, he deserves it. Who made him so evil-minded!" Li Yan said happily, hoping that those people would make Wang Dali angry. It was best to keep Wang Dali in check, so that he would not have bad ideas all day long.nove(l)bi(n.)com

Mo Yan smiled and said to her aunt and nephew: "Okay, there is nothing to do anymore. You go to bed first. I will sit for a while and wait for Xiaohua and the others to come back."

If the previous guess is true, Xiaohua and the others must have encountered the big tiger. With the fighting power of Xiaohua and Dabai, they will not suffer a loss, but injuries are bound to happen.

After being praised, Mao Tuan happily threw the fox on the ground, and his big furry head kept rubbing Mo Yan's thigh.

Aunt and nephew Li Xiu looked at its cute appearance and were itching to touch it, but they knew the furball's temper and did not dare to do so, so they teased: "It's so big and it still looks like a child. It's so... Clingy!

After Maodan understood this, he turned his head and glanced at his aunt and nephew arrogantly, and continued to rub Mo Yan, purring happily from his mouth.

Mo Yan held up a lamp and examined the hair ball carefully. She felt relieved when she saw that it was only a little wet and there were no wounds.

Xiaohua and Dabai's harvest was huge, a big wild boar weighing three to four hundred kilograms. The weight of the wild boar was almost their combined weight, and it took all of his strength to drag this big guy back from the mountains.

After the wild boar was dragged into the yard, Xiaohua and Dabai slowly walked over with their mouths wide open and their tails hanging down. They looked obviously exhausted.

But they were not so lucky. There were several open wounds on their bodies. It was obvious that Mo Ziyi was right in thinking that he had met the tiger...

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