Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:14:56 AM

Chapter 395: Fighting for harming others and yourself (1)

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Chapter 395: Fighting for harming others and yourself (1)

Chapter 395 A fight breaks out between harming others and harming oneself (1)

There were more or less wounds on the bodies of the dozen or so people. The one with the least injuries was not minor or serious, but Wang Dali, who was the most seriously injured, had his arms and legs bitten by the tiger at close range. The wound was deep enough to show bone. If it cannot be treated carefully, it may be in danger of becoming useless.

Sister-in-law Wang and others were lucky. The doctor they hired was a very capable doctor. The doctor cleaned the wounds of the injured villagers, applied prepared wound medicine to them, and prescribed appropriate prescriptions. The doctor also said that as long as he applied and took the medicine according to his instructions, even the most seriously injured Wang Dali would be able to recover in just two to three months.

This is originally a good thing. If a person with a generous heart and a fat body can escape from danger and recover from his injuries, he will probably want to burn paper and incense to thank his ancestors for their blessing. But Wang Dali and others went to the mountains to take advantage. Now they lost their wives and lost soldiers. They didn't get the benefits and got injured. They had to spend a lot of money to treat their injuries. Not to mention how frustrated they felt.The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

Wang Dali and others were complacent and felt that they had taken a big advantage after wasting several hundred yuan in medical fees and medication. But after only two days, they couldn't be happy anymore. The reason was that Sister-in-law Wang and others went to the city to ask other doctors to change medicines and treat their injuries. When those doctors heard that they were from Liuyang Village, they were treating tiger claws. As for the bite injuries, no one was willing to go to the doctor.

It turned out that after the doctor returned to the city yesterday, he couldn't get over it. It seemed that some doctors like him were angry that his trip was in vain. So he told several doctors with whom he had good personal relationships and asked them to go to see him for a consultation. Its better to collect the consultation fee and medicine fee first to avoid being cheated again.

The doctors were all furious after hearing the whole story. It's not that they haven't treated poor people, and some people can't pay for the medicine, but most people will say good things to them and wait until they have money to pay.

If the family is really in poverty, they usually only charge the medicine fee but not the consultation fee, so they should accumulate good deeds. But now my friend braved the heavy snow to go to the doctor, but got such a result. In addition to sympathy, several people secretly decided that if someone from Liuyang Village came to the door, they would never go to the doctor.

Not to mention, after several doctors returned home, they unanimously told the other doctors about the matter, and they spread it from one person to another. Within a day or two, most of the doctors in the city knew about Liu Yang privately. There was a case of someone in the village defaulting on medical treatment. That's why Sister-in-law Wang and others no matter how mischievous and mischievous they are, no doctor is willing to visit her.

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