Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:14:51 AM

Chapter 400: Doortodoor help(2)

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Chapter 400: Door-to-door help(2)

Chapter 400: Door-to-door help (2)The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

They both lost their mother at a young age. Compared with other close friends of the same age in the village, the friendship between Xin'er and Tang Xin has more of a sympathy for each other. After this period of contact, she has regarded the considerate and strong Tang Xin as a good sister. She really can't bear to see her being sold to a place like that by her stepmother and having her life ruined.

Li Yan could understand Xin'er's mood, but it was useless to worry about this kind of thing, so she advised: "This is the Tang family's business. The Tang family sells their sons and daughters. It's useless for you, an outsider, to worry, unless the Tang family suddenly becomes He is very rich and can spend a large sum of money at once, otherwise..." Otherwise, Tang Xin would never be able to spend this new year peacefully.

Xin'er naturally understood the meaning of her unfinished words, and couldn't help but become more worried: "I know I can't help, so I want to ask my sister to think of a way to see if I can help Tang Xin."

"Xin'er, it's hard to help with this!" Li Yan shook her head, obviously seeing more clearly: "That Tang Yu family is very difficult to deal with. Even if Sister Yan gives out money to help their family pay off their debts, she still won't give up selling Tang Xin. Instead, they would blame Sister Yan for being nosy."

Anyone with a discerning eye would know at a glance that she wanted to take this opportunity to get rid of her annoying stepdaughter. How could she give up at this juncture? The Tang family is also too poor. The Tang Yu family cannot tolerate a stepdaughter who "eats for free". If the family is well off, they will take their face into consideration and not betray their daughter.

Upon hearing this, Xin'er's eyes dimmed even more, and she silently put away the dishes. She also knew that Tang Yushi was greedy for money. Unless she could "buy" Tang Xin with more money than human teeth, she would not be able to help her at all.

When she thought of the little wooden box where the silver was stored on the bed table, and the more than two taels of silver she had saved from selling embroidery work, she became more and more depressed. She could borrow some money from her sister, but how could she open this door to her sister for an unrelated outsider?

The next day, Mo Yan got up early. Aunt Li Xiu and her two nephews had already prepared breakfast earlier than her. The little guys didn't stay in bed under the warm blankets because today was the New Year's Eve and they had to help with the cleaning.

Its not just the Mo family who are busy dusting and making sugar melons in preparation for the evening sacrifice to the stove, but also every household in the village. Even though life is not very rich, the women are still busy in the kitchen with full of hope. From time to time, a few laughter and curses are heard in the kitchen, and they teach children who run into the kitchen to steal sugar melons.

The entire Liuyang Village is lingering in the curling smoke, as if even the air is filled with wisps of sweetness.

The sweet and crispy peanut candy is very popular. Even Li Zhong, who is not very fond of sweets, couldn't help but eat several pieces. Not to mention the little ones, if Mo Yan hadn't threatened them with a straight face, their teeth would be eaten away by insects if they ate too many sweets, and they would have eaten the peanut candy as food.

Just as the family was laughing and sharing the delicious food, a series of slightly urgent bells rang outside the door. Everyone stopped laughing and looked at the door in confusion. Who would come to the door at this time?

"I'll open the door." Li Yan quickly put down the half-eaten sugar melon and ran to open the door. After a while, she hurried back, holding a little girl in her hand.

I saw that the little girl was thin and thin, and her clothes were thin and tattered, which could not block the biting cold air. What was even more unbelievable was that her exposed wrists, ankles and neck had obvious bruises and bright red blood marks. It was obvious that she had been there not long ago. She had suffered an inhumane abuse before.

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, confusion flashed in their eyes, and they obviously didnt know who the pitiful-looking person in front of them was.

Yanzi, whats going on? Although Li Zhong sympathized with the little girl, he asked in a very bad tone when he saw that his granddaughter brought a stranger into the house without thinking.

Before Li Yan could answer, Xin'er, who had just returned from using the toilet, recognized the scarred little girl at a glance. She rushed forward and screamed: "Tang Xin, how did you do this? That evil Tang Yushi Mother-in-law hit you again?"

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