Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:13:19 AM

Chapter 478: Determination(2)

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Chapter 478: Determination(2)

Chapter 478 Determination (2)

Chu Heng looked at Xiao Ruiyuan with a shocked expression, as if he was meeting him for the first time. He never thought that his always reserved cousin would say such words. On the one hand, these words were his cousin revealing his feelings for the woman he admired. On the other hand, they were also a reminder to him that his cousin was determined to marry him. That woman is his wife, even if he is both his cousin and the prince, he cannot stop him!

Thinking of this, Chu Heng's face looked a little ugly, but he knew his cousin's temperament. If he really blocked it, he was afraid that his cousin would really be separated from him. This was not what he wanted to see.

After weighing it up, Chu Heng finally cared about brotherhood and did not obstruct the persuasion.

Xiao Ruiyuan secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he saw his cousin's expression softening.

Those words came from his sincerity, and they were indeed reminding the prince's cousin. I have followed the prince's cousin for more than ten years, and I understand some of his ideas very well.

As a prince, my cousin is not in good health, and there are several adult brothers who are eyeing the throne, intending to seize the throne. It is not easy to sit on that position safely!

As the right-hand man of his cousin, if his future wife comes from a powerful family, then the wifes family will definitely stand on his side and become his cousins help!

My cousin will not forcefully intervene in his marriage regardless of his own wishes, but if he doesn't express his attitude, his cousin will definitely think that he doesn't value Yan'er and will make Yan'er his concubine as he said before. Take a noble girl as your wife. Now that I have shown my determination, my cousin will not be like this.

The chicken cages in the orchard were built a few days ago. There are fifty or sixty of them, large and small, and they are made of green bricks and green tiles. This item is the largest expense of the chicken farm, and almost all of them will be sold. The rooster spent most of the money he got. When the weather is bad or the hens want to lay eggs, the chicken coop can come in handy. It cannot be just used a few mud bricks.

On weekdays, these chickens forage in the orchard and can eat weeds and insects. The feces they pull out are also very good nutrients for the fruit seedlings. This saves the cost of hiring weeders and fertilizes the orchard. Its like killing two birds with one stone!

It took most of a day to put all the chickens away. Watching them go around in groups pecking at the tender green vegetables, digging for ants and bugs in the ground from time to time, and some even clucking and laying eggs in the dense grass, everyone felt good watching them.

Listening to the rooster crow, Sister-in-law Cai seemed to have thought of something, and said to Mo Yan: "Girl Yan, it's good to raise chickens in the orchard, but it's a long way from the village and close to the mountains. I'm afraid it will be easy to raise chickens." The Great Immortal has been provoked, so I think it would be better for you to keep a few dogs in the orchard to keep watch."

Mo Yan was stunned for a moment before she realized that "Wong Tai Sin" refers to the weasel. Weasels do love to eat chickens. Not long ago, all the chickens of a family in the village were killed by this thing overnight. The thorns around the orchard cannot stop weasels that can burrow, so we really need to be on guard.

Mo Yan smiled and thanked Sister-in-law Cai: "Thanks to my aunt's reminder, otherwise I wouldn't have thought of this! Wong Tai Sin is a big trouble, these chickens need to be kept by several dogs."

Zhou's eyes lit up after hearing this, she looked at Mo Yan and said with some embarrassment: "Girl Yan, do you want to buy a big dog and raise it directly or raise a puppy? My aunt's dog has given birth to a litter of puppies. It will be a full moon in two days, if you are satisfied with it, can you bring a few over to raise them?"

Mo Yan was pleasantly surprised and said with a smile: "Of course the dog was raised well since he was a child. He was taught well when he was a child. He is smart when he grows up. It's just right that my aunt has puppies at home! By the way, Aunt Zhou, how many puppies do you have at home? Only, I plan to take them all!

"Really? That's great! There are five in this litter. If it's not enough, someone else's dog has given birth to puppies in the village. Auntie, please stop by and ask."

Aunt Zhou is also very happy. She is worried about what to do with the puppy when it is one month old. It would be pitiful to just throw it outside and starve to death. She should keep it. There is not so much food at home. Now she will give it to the Mo family to raise. It doesn't get any better than this.

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