Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:13:09 AM

Chapter 487: Busy farming season in the mountains (1)

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Chapter 487: Busy farming season in the mountains (1)

Chapter 487: Farming in the mountains (1)

The weather in early May is already a little bit hot. But for the hard-working and simple farmers, this little bit of heat is nothing. They just carry a pot of water, a straw hat, and a hoe, and the day's work begins.

The Mo family's 30 acres of dry land were all planted with soybeans this year. Mo Yan poured water from the spiritual spring twice and asked people to remove the weeds once and then left them alone. However, the growth was much better than the soybeans that were cultivated intensively and weeded three times. For a long section, it was depressing to watch, and the fact that she was blessed by the gods was once again strongly "confirmed".

The fruit trees in Mos orchard are also growing well. Since March and April, various fruit seedlings have bloomed and faded one after another, and each fruit tree is covered with small, green fruits.

Since mid-March, there has been no cold wave here. When the weather turned warm, Mo Yan found someone to tidy up the barren hills and scattered the medicinal seeds collected from the space one by one. After more than a month of growth, under the nourishment of the spiritual spring water, all the medicinal seeds sprouted, and the faster-growing vine-like medicinal materials have grown to more than a foot long.

The land in the medicine garden was opened up from barren hills. The soil quality is not good enough and fertile enough. The first year is just to allow the medicinal seeds to settle down smoothly to prevent the occurrence of diseases and insect pests. Normally, medicinal materials need to grow for several years before they can be used as medicine. .

Mo Yan still has some experience in growing medicinal materials. In my previous life, my family opened a pharmaceutical factory, and all the medicinal materials were sourced from land purchased by the family, and then experienced experienced herbal farmers were hired to take care of it. She often went to the medicine fields to consult the medicine farmers, and she learned a lot. Coupled with the blessing of the spiritual spring water, as long as she watched carefully, discovered anything wrong in time, and cleaned it up in time, there wouldn't be any big problems.

The medicine garden is the farthest one from the Mo family among the three barren mountains. The medicinal materials have not grown yet, so there is no need to worry about anyone digging them. However, the habits of each medicinal material are different, so someone must always look after it. .

More than 30 acres of the more than 40 acres of barren hills are planted with medicinal materials. The area is really not small. No one in the village knows how to take care of the medicinal garden. Mo Yan recently visited several medical clinics to find someone knowledgeable to take care of it. But she never met the right one, but she was very tired from all the busy work.

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