Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:23:32 AM

Chapter 49: Fatherdaughter conflict

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Chapter 49: Father-daughter conflict

Chapter 49 Conflict between father and daughter

On the way home, several people looked bad.

Li Zhong looked at Mo Qingze, who was frowning, and then at Mo Yan, who was cold-faced. He wanted to advise him not to have conflicts over those troublesome things, but he was an outsider and it was difficult to interfere with the father and daughter. He had no choice but to touch his granddaughter's head and sigh silently.

It was when Xin'er Zhen'er could distinguish between right and wrong without hiding her emotions. They stood closely next to their sister, looking at their gloomy father opposite, with dissatisfaction written all over their little faces.

The second mistress and the second cousin came to bully them again. The eldest sister was right. Why did the father reprimand the eldest sister? Their family has finally lived a good life, are they going to let those bad guys take away everything from their family like before?

In those years at home, if the eldest sister had not protected them, they would have been bullied to death by Second Grandpa's son Dan Shitou. Dad knew that he was partial to Second Grandpa and the others, hum!

Mo Qingze felt very uncomfortable being stared at by his daughter and son as if they were evildoers. When he looked at his expressionless daughter, he felt a little regretful, but when he thought of his old second uncle, he was disappointed and sad when he looked at him before he left. Looking at her eyes, he felt that his daughter shouldn't be so aggressive.

He knew that his second aunt was not very kind to the children, but his second uncle was the only elder he was close to and treated him well when he was a child. As the second aunt said, if it weren't for them, let alone the family property left by his father and mother, it would be difficult to protect it. It would still be a question whether he could grow up safely. What's more, the second uncle followed his father's last words and sent him away. school, and finally gained the title of scholar.

Although after getting married, the second uncle's family did not return the fields and houses to him, he was grateful for the care of the second uncle's family. His daughter told those dirty things in front of so many people. , wouldnt it hurt the second uncles heart?

Mo Yan couldn't ignore her father's troubled gaze, but she didn't want to explain anything for the time being.

Her father's scolding did make her uncomfortable at first, but now she calms down and thinks carefully from her father's perspective, she can understand why her father scolded her.

After the pearl tofu meatballs were ready, Mo Yan filled the inner pot with water and placed a two-layer steamer. The rice was steamed on the first layer, and two large plates of meatballs were placed on the second layer. Then he covered the pot and asked Xin'er to make a fire underneath. She cooked food in the outer pot.

In less than half an hour, Mo Yan had cooked roasted chicken with potatoes, stir-fried pork sausage, stir-fried radish, and stewed cabbage, which relieves irritation and eases the stomach. At this time, the rice and meatballs in the steamer were also steamed, and the rice was fragrant and meaty. The fragrance filled the entire kitchen and spread into the main room.

Li Zhong couldn't help but walked into the kitchen, just in time to see the meatballs coming out of the pot. When he learned that the dish was called pearl tofu meatballs, he couldn't help stroking his hands and smiling: "The glutinous rice grains are plump and shiny, aren't they the pearls? As soon as I heard the tofu, I knew it was filled with tofu. What the heck, its a good name, elegant and vulgar!

Mo Yan had a dark look on her face when she heard this. Isn't it just an ordinary steamed dish? Aren't the dishes all for eating, and they have something to do with something vulgar and elegant?

Grandpa, please stop saying a few words. I think this dish is delicious, but if you keep talking, we will be too embarrassed to eat it!

Li Yan saw that her grandfather was still going to say something, so she quickly interrupted. She really thought this dish was beautiful and she wanted to drool just looking at it.

The new meatballs are particularly popular, especially the three little guys love them. Even Li Zhong, who has a strong taste, also eats a lot. Mo Qingze, who had a weak appetite at first, also ate it with great appetite. In the end, he was stunned. I ate two bowls of rice.

After the meal, everyone was in a good mood. Mo Yan saw her father's face softening a lot, and felt that it was necessary to explain what happened in the afternoon. She didn't want to cause a gap between father and daughter because of this, not to mention that she had another important thing. things to say.

Mo Qingze also had this idea, so the father and daughter each went back to the house to add some clothes, and then went to the yard together.

Facing the moonlight, Mo Yan looked at the father in front of her who looked more and more like her father in her previous life. Her eyes couldn't help but heat up, and her voice even trembled a little: "Dad, I know that the second grandfather is an elder, and I shouldn't do it in front of so many people." You said those words, but have you ever thought about it, if these things are not revealed in front of everyone, based on the words of the second grandma, how will we gain a foothold in Liuyang Village in the future?"

Speaking of this, Mo Yan remembered the disgusting things that the disgusting Mo Hong had done, and her tone became even worse: "Back then, my father was teaching in the town and could earn one or two taels of silver per month. Our family had no land. Land, we have to buy everything, and this one tael of silver is just enough for our family to live on, but what did the second mistress do?"

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