Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:12:34 AM

Chapter 504: Methods of reconciliation (2)

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Chapter 504: Methods of reconciliation (2)

Chapter 504: Harmony (2)

Knowing her son is Mo Ruomu, Mo Hong had long noticed that her eldest son was not as obedient as before, so this time, she was smart enough not to ask Mo Yongfu to directly ask Mo Wu for money or prescriptions on her behalf, but instead turned into a loving mother, which was rare. Be concerned about him. Not only did she talk to him in a nice voice, but she also cut out some shabby clothes that could no longer be worn, stayed up for a few nights to pick up the soles of his shoes, and made two new pairs of shoes.

Although Mo Yongfu was dissatisfied with Mo Hong, he still longed for his mother's attention and recognition. Therefore, when Mo Hong only expressed a few words of concern for him, his attitude towards Mo Hong changed again. Just like before, you even have to be obedient and filial.

On a cloudy afternoon, when Mo Hong held the finished shoes, held Mo Yongfu's hand, and cried with great sadness about the family's plight, Mo Yongfu took the initiative to say that he would use the money to build a house to honor his parents. Buy a decent dowry for your sister so that she can speak of a good family.

Just like that, a pair of shoes, a few tears, and a few caring words made him successfully forget the grievances and hardships his wife and children had suffered, and the fact that his youngest daughter was sold by her mother!

At first, she only thought that Mo Yongfu was a little dull, a little foolish and filial, and he was pretty good to his wife and children. He was not like many men, who were either lazy and misbehaving, or they often beat and scolded their wives and children to vent their anger, and did not treat others as human beings.

But now, in order to please his parents and sisters, he actually made a crooked idea to his wife! It's okay to honor your parents and love your girls. If you have the ability to earn it yourself, no one can make a typo! Fortunately for him, he was so incompetent that he actually threatened his wife. What a shame he dared to say this!

Such a confused, foolish and filial husband, if he is not kicked out as soon as possible, he will be stunned to death sooner or later!

Just because of my cousins temperament, the idea of reconciliation will probably only appear when she is angry. Once the mood stabilizes, she may not really reconcile with Mo Yongxi! Putting aside the relationship between husband and wife, just for the sake of their four children, I'm afraid she won't be able to make this decision for a while!

However, this time, she underestimated Mo Wus determination!

Mo Wu was so moved by Mo Yan's words that she held her hand with red eyes, her face showing determination that she had never seen before: "Yan girl, I really don't want to live with him anymore! When I came to Liu Yangcun, too many bad things have happened to Lao Mo's family, and I'm tired of it. Ever since I opened a food stall in the city and started to see the world, I feel that my life for more than thirty years has been in vain! After nearly twenty years in Lao Mo's house, I have never lived for myself for a single day. This time, I want to live for myself!"

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