Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:12:27 AM

Chapter 512: Score(1)

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Chapter 512: Score(1)

Chapter 512 Calculation (1)

Mo Yan and others, who were taking a nap at home, had no idea what was happening under the ancient poplar tree until a woman who had helped Mo Wu and her daughter knocked on the door of the Mo family's courtyard and asked to borrow a carriage to go to the city for the mother and daughter. After calling a doctor, they realized that something big like this had happened.

After Mo Yan and the others heard this, they were extremely angry. When they learned that Lao Mo Tou, Mo Hong and others were not willing to pay money to hire a doctor for Mo Wu and her daughter, they became even more angry and wanted to rush to Lao Mo's house immediately. , take the mother and daughter home, and let those evil-hearted people drown in the spit of the people in the village.The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

It was more important to invite the doctor, so Mo Yan drove a carriage to ask for the doctor. She had no time to think carefully about why Mo Wu didn't tell her before implementing the plan.

Although she knew that Mo Wu was not really having a miscarriage, Mo Danier's shoulder blade was actually broken. She urged Xiao Hei to run faster, fearing that if she delayed for too long, Mo Danier's bones would not be able to reconnect and she would become disabled. This is not a modern place. There are all kinds of advanced medical equipment to assist.

Xiao Hei walked quickly and there were not many pedestrians on the road. The carriage arrived in the city quickly. Mo Yan went straight to the medical clinic of Dr. Du, whom she was familiar with. After inviting him into the car, he hurried to Liuyang Village.

Mo Yan knew the old mans temper, so naturally he didnt dare to refuse!

The Mo family and the old Mo family broke off all contact on the first day of the Lunar New Year. Even if they get along well with the Mo Wu family, mother and son, it cannot change this fact.

Normally when they met, Mo Hong and others would always criticize Huai, which would inevitably lead to these elites taking the opportunity to cause trouble. When they arrived at the village, Mo Yan sent Old Doctor Du to the door of Old Mo's house and asked him to go in by himself. Then she stood not far away and watched. If Mo Hong and others wanted to act like monsters again and torment Mo Wu and her daughter, she would be able to go up and help in time.

However, it didnt take long before many villagers gathered in front of Lao Mos house. It turns out that the story of Mo Hong's kicking his daughter-in-law into miscarriage and cruelly crushing her granddaughter's shoulder blade had already spread throughout Liuyang Village. Who wouldn't call Mo Hong "evil"? , even a three-year-old child would be frightened and cry when he heard her name.

These people heard from the women who sent Mo Wu and his daughter back that the old Mo family was unwilling to ask a doctor to treat the mother and daughter. It was no secret that Mo Yan brought Old Doctor Du into the village, and it spread quickly.

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