Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:11:36 AM

Chapter 536: Encountering trouble(1)

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Chapter 536: Encountering trouble(1)

Chapter 536 Encountering trouble by chance (1)

In Dachu, one tael of gold can be exchanged for ten taels of silver when brought to a bank. Five hundred taels of gold is equivalent to five thousand taels of silver, which is enough for a well-off family of five people to live without worries about food and clothing for a lifetime.The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

Even if the Mo family is relatively wealthy, five thousand taels of silver is not a small sum of money. You must know that the Mo family's fragrant rice shop needs to be run for a year to earn so much.

Had just spent two thousand taels of silver to buy Huangshan, and received another five thousand taels in the blink of an eye, and it came so easily. Mo Yan felt that if he didn't go to the city to go shopping, he would be sorry for the hard work he had put in for the past six months.

Mo Yan hitched up the carriage and drove Xin'er, Li Xiu's nephew, Tang Xin, Sannier, and Shitou's siblings happily all the way to the city. They came to the place where Wu's mother and daughter set up a stall, and planned to join them after closing the stall. go shopping.

When we arrived at the place, it was almost noon, and there were still many people gathered around the stall waiting to buy food. Wu and her daughter were quick on their feet and cooperated with each other tacitly. Although they were not available, they did not appear to be in a hurry.

Shopping is a woman's nature, and this is true in any era. When they learned that several people came to ask them to go shopping with them, the Wu mother and her daughter agreed immediately.

In the past six months of doing business, they have been busy running stalls all day long. After everything is sold out, they rush back to prepare the ingredients for tomorrow. Even if they want to buy necessities, they go back after buying the goods. They never go shopping properly. .

It was inconvenient to carry boilers and other items shopping, so Mo Yan and the others put their things on a bullock cart and took them to a rice shop in Dongshi. The carriage was also put there. They had a simple lunch in the shop and felt relaxed. Go shopping.

The sun was shining brightly at this time, and it was already afternoon. There were not many pedestrians on the street, and most of the shops facing the street were empty, which suited Mo Yan and the others just fine.

It was just a little hot after all. After some discussion, they found a small cloth shop and went in. They accompanied Wu to buy some suitable materials and go back to make clothes for autumn.

When they entered, there were only two girls in the cloth shop with their backs to them, muttering about selecting fabrics. Mo Yan took a quick look and felt that the fabrics in this fabric shop were of good quality and the prices were very reasonable.

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