Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:11:00 AM

Chapter 573: Not long to live (2)

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Chapter 573: Not long to live (2)

Chapter 573: Life is not long (2)

When the sun rose, Emperor Hui'an, who was dressed in a bright yellow dragon robe, walked out of the palace under the protection of the imperial guards. Then he sat in a wheelchair and was pushed out by the accompanying eunuchs. The other princes and princes who accompanied him could not stand the trash. Ordinary princes did not dare to be presumptuous in front of Emperor Hui'an. They followed the prince obediently in the order of the sequence. The prince led him to the high platform that had been built, and stood on both sides of Emperor Hui'an. both sides.

The ministers of the DPRK and the Central Committee and the accompanying family members who had been waiting in the audience knelt on the ground. Hundreds of voices shouted in unison and respectfully: "Long live the emperor, long live the emperor, and the prince is a thousand years old! "

The shocking sound spread far and wide in the quiet wilderness. Continuous echoes could be heard not far away, startling countless birds in the forest.

Even though he had experienced such a grand scene, the prince and prince who stood on the high platform and looked down at the courtiers could not help but get excited. The ambition hidden in his heart grew wildly at this moment.

Chu Heng, who was closest to Emperor Hui'an, heard King Heng's breathing become heavier beside him. There was a trace of ridicule in his lowered eyes, and then he looked at the audience calmly, his eyes calm.

My dear friends, please be safe! Since we are outside the palace, please feel free to do as you please!

Emperor Hui'an, who is nearly fifty and usually takes good care of himself, still inevitably has wrinkles at the corners of his eyes, and his slightly saggy skin constantly tells the fact that he is no longer young. However, as the leader of the entire Chu State, Long's accumulated experience over time has Even if Wei met someone who didn't know his identity, he would not dare to treat him as an ordinary old man.

At this time, although he smiled and asked the people kneeling below to "do as they please", no one dared to be really presumptuous in front of him. They stood up cautiously, for fear of losing their etiquette in front of the emperor and being disliked by Emperor Hui'an.

Emperor Hui'an looked at the young talents gathered in the audience and said some words of encouragement as usual: "You are all the future pillars of Chu's country. Today is the first day of autumn hunting. I will see your performance. Whoever hunts the most and best prey will be rewarded heavily by me!"The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

The Dragon's Tongue Bow requires strong arm strength to draw. Chu Heng's body had already been hollowed out by the poison, and he couldn't sit still for a long time, so naturally he couldn't draw the bow.

How could Emperor Hui'an let anyone see his son's joke? When Chu Heng got on the horse, he also sat on it and rode with his son. He helped him draw the bow and arrow hand by hand, and accurately sent the galloping arrow into the air. A sika deer that had been fed medicine was killed with one blow on its neck.

"As expected of the second emperor brother, he is indeed as powerful as his father!" Even though they were dissatisfied that Chu Heng had been treated so favorably by Emperor Hui'an, King Heng and others could only suppress their jealousy and compliment him with admiration.

If someone else had said this, he would have thought it was a clear sarcasm, but when Emperor Hui'an heard it, he felt very happy. He looked at King Heng and the others, not knowing whether it was a warning or something else, and said lightly: " There are more than a dozen of you brothers, but the prince is the one who loves me the most! He is my legitimate son, my prince, and the crown prince of Da Chu. You should treat the prince as respectfully as you treat me!"

He was just a young and ignorant prince. King Heng and others, who had repeatedly attacked Chu Heng, were almost sick from fear. Especially King Heng, his heart ached when he thought of knowing that Chu Heng would participate in the Qiu Hunt plan. He felt cold and almost suspected that Emperor Hui'an already knew about it.

Chu Heng's expression was always calm. When Emperor Hui'an finished speaking, he pointed to the sika deer whose neck was still bleeding on the ground, with a hint of hope on his face: "Father, I learned how to barbecue a few days ago. Why not take advantage of this deer's freshness?" Let me bake it, and my father will have a taste of my craftsmanship."

"Okay! My father will order the deer to be packed and wait for Heng'er to roast the venison himself." Emperor Hui'an Longyan was very happy. He did not feel that as the prince of a country, cooking barbecue by himself would damage the royal family's face.

Looking at this scene of a loving father and a filial son, the other princes and princes became increasingly unbalanced.

Barbecued meat is nothing. Back then, I spent all my efforts to collect rare treasures, but my father didnt even praise me. Now I only have a piece of venison that I dont know if I can eat. Im so happy. My fathers heart is indeed biased. of!

No matter how dissatisfied they were, someone quickly carried the sika deer down. It didn't take long before the oven was in full swing, and the venison, which had been cleaned and cut into pieces, and various condiments were presented.

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