Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:10:54 AM

Chapter 579: Trouble (4)

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Chapter 579: Trouble (4)

Chapter 579 Trouble (4)

Hearing this, Yang Bao smiled bitterly and said: "Uncle naturally believes that you can do what you say. Most people in the village can understand it, but if some people want to use this matter to cause trouble for your family, uncle is worried that the matter will make a big fuss. If its not good, youll be brought to the government!

This is what he is really worried about!

Hearing this, Mo Yan wondered: "The beast didn't hurt anyone in the village. Even if it was stabbed to the government, would the government take care of such a thing?"

Yang Bao saw that she really didn't know, so he told the reason.

Many years ago, there was a serious snowstorm in the capital. The wild beasts in Yuhua Mountain could not find anything to eat. They were cold and hungry, so they gathered together and rushed to several nearby villages, causing harm to many poultry and livestock. Ordinary farmers regard poultry and livestock as their lifeblood, so how can they let wild beasts cause harm?

Villagers from several villages gathered together and chopped down the wild beasts with knives and sticks. At that time, several wild beasts were killed and their skins and flesh were sold, and each village received a lot of money.

Later on, Liuyang Village declined, leaving only a dozen households in difficulty who could not move out. Fortunately, in the past few decades, there has never been a herd of beasts entering the village. Otherwise, there would not be enough people to share with the beasts. As time passed, the nearby villagers gradually forgot those things and still went into the mountains. They just listened to the words of the elderly at home and never dared to step into the mountains again.

Uncle Yang, just because something like this happened, once a wild animal enters the village, the government must be notified and the government will take action to solve the problem? Mo Yan asked with some difficulty.

When I thought about the death of so many innocent people in that disaster, I felt very sad and worried about the three beasts. Once the villagers knew that there were three beasts living in their home, she could almost imagine the result, either to drive away the three beasts or to move away.

Yang Bao nodded: "Yes, although decades have passed, not many people know about the tragedy, but the government will not forget this instruction given by the late emperor."

Mo Yan frowned. The golden beast matter was really difficult to solve. Even if Yan Junyu was asked to help suppress the matter, the people in the village would be dissatisfied with her family. The only way now is to send the golden beast into space, and then let it return to the mountain after its injuries are healed.

What should we do if there are only three beasts? Will he never see the light of day?

Fortunately, Dabai grew up in the mountains and forests. If it weren't for her, he would never have entered Liuyang Village and lived with people in his life. Xiaohua and Hairball were a headache. Even if they could survive in the wild, they Growing up with people, her attachment to the human world is much deeper than to the mountains. Not to mention that she is reluctant to drive them away, even if she is willing, they will not be willing to leave.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!