Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:10:48 AM

Chapter 586: Rain is coming (4)

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Chapter 586: Rain is coming (4)

Chapter 586 The rain is coming (4)

Although the ripe wild fruits taste very good, there are so many of them that it is impossible to finish them all. Mo Yan didn't want the fruits he had worked so hard to pick to rot in the cellar, so he sorted the wild fruits, washed the fruits that could be used to make wine, and turned them into wine one after another, while the ones that couldn't be made into various kinds of wine. Such candied haws.

I divided some of the candied haws among the people I had good friends with in the village, and most of the rest was sent to the rice shop. I originally thought I could sell some, but if I couldn't sell, it would be good to keep it and eat it slowly. People who never wanted to buy it There were quite a lot of them. Most of them were customers who were buying rice. Seeing that the rice was in good condition and there were many varieties, they thought it was delicious just looking at it, so they happily bought a few rice sticks and took them back as snacks for their children.The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

On the night of August 24th, the stars in twos and threes were obscured by dark clouds at some point. Not long after, there was a heavy rain, mixed with continuous thunder.

The heavy rain came without any warning, and a blast of thunder rang in her ears, waking up Mo Yan who was already sleeping soundly. She sat up in shock, covering her pounding heart, feeling confused for a moment, as if something was wrong. Things happened generally.

My father's injury is recovering very well. With the spiritual spring water and medicinal food rich in spiritual energy, the external wound has healed. It will be healed in less than half a month and will not affect the autumn next month; the two younger brothers' The academics are also good, the learning style in the school is good, the management is strict, and it is unlikely that anything will happen.

As for the family, I have not offended others, and there is no reason to be threatened, and nothing bad will happen... Mo Yan frowned and thought about it, and did not think of the bad things that might happen next. She almost suspected that the violent panic that surged in her heart earlier was imagined by her.

Waves of sleepiness came over her. Mo Yan yawned unconsciously and her eyes became misty. Thinking of getting up early tomorrow, she forced herself to put aside the distracting thoughts in her heart and slowly lay down. Just as she closed her eyes, she was about to fall asleep. At that moment, an idea flashed in her mind, causing her eyes to widen...

It rained heavily all night, and the sky cleared up the next day. The rising sun was particularly bright, but the dry and hard ground was soaked soft by the rain. When you step on it, your whole shoe will sink in, making it difficult to walk. People caused a lot of trouble.

Of course, this trouble does not affect the interest of those who are hunting in Phoenix Mountain at all.

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