Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:10:47 AM

Chapter 588: Undercurrent(1)

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Chapter 588: Undercurrent(1)

Chapter 588 Undercurrent (1)

The sixteenth prince's maternal family is not prominent, and his mother-in-law is just a concubine of the fifth rank. She is the lowest-born among many princes. However, he was cute and always well-behaved and sensible, so Emperor Hui'an actually loved him a bit. And because he was young and had no support behind him, other older princes and princes did not regard him as a threat, so his life in the palace was stable and comfortable.The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

For such a young prince with a mediocre status, if he just made such a request in front of Xiao Ruiyuan, Xiao Ruiyuan could refuse without hesitation, but in front of Emperor Hui'an, he could only remain silent.

Emperor Hui'an looked at the hopeful Sixteenth Prince with a faint smile on his face: "Little Sixteenth, Xiao Aiqing is not the only one with extraordinary shooting skills here, why did you choose him? I heard that you were complaining in private with your companions. , Xiao Aiqing has a cold face all day long and looks scary. Every time you see him, you are like a cat seeing a mouse. Are you not afraid now?"

When the Sixteenth Prince heard this, his chubby little face turned red. He glanced at Xiao Ruiyuan nervously, and when he saw that he showed no sign of anger, he breathed a long sigh of relief and said with a crooked eyebrow: "Father, Emperor, it was because I was young and ignorant that I thought General Xiao was scary. Later, I heard many stories about General Xiao going into battle to kill enemies. General Xiao was a great hero in my mind, so of course I was no longer afraid. ! This time I want to go hunting with General Xiao, just because I want to see General Xiaos archery skills and steal his skills. In the future, I will also go into battle to kill the enemy like General Xiao and protect the people of Chu!"

Emperor Hui'an was in a good mood and simply agreed to the requests of his sons, and sent thirty internal guards to protect him to avoid accidents.

Looking at the joyful little princes, Xiao Ruiyuan frowned almost invisible. He looked up at Chu Heng who was diagonally opposite, and met his eyes. Immediately, the two of them looked away tacitly. At the same time, he was secretly on guard in his heart.

King Heng, who was sitting at the foot of Chu Heng, smiled and picked up the wine glass on the table, hiding the cruelty in his eyes.

So what if youre on guard? This time, I will teach you that you cannot escape even if you have wings!

After lunch, Xiao Ruiyuan returned to the tent and rested for a while. At the urging of several young princes, he picked up his bow and arrows, led his horse, and took them to a nearby mountain forest with relatively gentle terrain.

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