Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:10:39 AM

Chapter 596: Destroyed(2)

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Chapter 596: Destroyed(2)

Chapter 596: Losing the Appearance (2)

This sharp sword not only shocked the beasts that rushed forward, but also greatly boosted the morale of others. The twenty-five guards in the first round took advantage of the hesitation of the beasts to speed up their movements, trying to kill these beasts. The beast was cut down by the sword.

The sound of the flute driving the beasts to attack is still going on. Xiao Ruiyuan and others on the outermost side are under the greatest defensive pressure. The beasts are rushing up one after another. You can even faintly hear other sounds coming from far and near in the mountains in the distance. The roars of wild beasts made them even more afraid to relax.

The guards in the second round were not idle either. Not only did they have to kill the "fish that slipped through the net" that broke through the first round of defense, but they also had to fight against the exhausted guards in the first round and try their best to prevent the beast from breaking through the second round. Otherwise, if those princes and princes are injured, even if they can go back alive, they will be held accountable, and even their families will be affected.

Although King Heng and others in the third round did not have to take action for the time being, they still did not dare to relax at all. These ferocious beasts with strong attack power are not so easy to deal with. Breaking through the two defenses is just a matter of time. They are conserving their physical strength now. When the beasts' physical strength is almost exhausted, it will be easier to deal with them. If they can Minimize casualties as much as possible.

The guards cooperated with each other tacitly, and there was Xiao Ruiyuan, who was one against ten. For a time, the beasts were helpless. There were many casualties, broken limbs and broken legs were left on the ground, and several delicate and noble ones were left on the ground. The prince vomited the contents of his stomach.

However, the short-lived victory did not last long. Compared with beasts, human physical strength is more easily consumed. Half a stick of incense (about half an hour) passed, and more than ten guards were bitten by wild beasts due to lack of physical strength and slowed down movements, and their defensive power was greatly reduced.

The other guards were okay and were not seriously affected. Once someone was injured and lost their defense, they would immediately step forward to block the gap and continue fighting. Those princes and young masters who were afraid of being buried in the belly of the beast looked at the dangerous scenes, but their faces turned pale and they cursed the guards as trash.

Among them, King Qi was the most scolded. He kicked a few who were injured and lost their resistance. They were sent to the innermost guards. He stared at the guards and yelled: "You useless trash, how dare you let wild beasts break in and hurt you?" When we get here, I will definitely report to Emperor Hui'an to punish you for your inability to protect us, and to punish your nine tribes."

Half an hour has passed, and the two hundred reinforcements are still missing. Seeing more and more people being injured and losing their ability to resist, Xiao Ruiyuan, who is soaked in animal blood, looks like Yama from hell, with the cruelty in his eyes. The energy almost condensed into substance.

He mechanically waved his sore and almost paralyzed arms, struggling to kill the beasts that kept rushing forward. He didn't want to think deeply, and he didn't have time to think deeply. The reason why those guards didn't arrive in time was because they were killed on the way. Someone intercepted...

Seriously injured, with his white clothes stained with blood, King Heng, who had long lost his former grace, resisted the beast while pityingly saying to Xiao Ruiyuan: "In order to deal with this king, that person even abandoned your safety. This is the person you are loyal to." ! Haha, thats ridiculous, its so ridiculous!

As he spoke, King Heng looked up to the sky and laughed like a maniac. But in the laughter, who knew that he was laughing at himself?

He never thought that Brother Xianyangzi, whom he regarded as a waste, had such a ruthless side!

It was originally thought that this poisonous plot was instigated by Prince Jing or Prince Kang who were under house arrest, but if they really had such ability, they would not have ended up being deprived of their title and placed under house arrest for life.

He also speculated that it was the Fourth Emperor's younger brother who had grown up and whose power should not be underestimated. He wanted to catch all the other princes and princes including him, and only waited for the death of his brother Bingyangzi to successfully ascend to the throne of the crown prince.

However, after seeing several adult imperial brothers having their hands and feet bitten off by ferocious beasts one after another, and their lives hanging in the balance, he ruled out this speculation.

The empire of Dachu will never be inherited by a disabled person!

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