Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:09:52 AM

Chapter 644: Coping with death (1)

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Chapter 644: Coping with death (1)

Chapter 644: Death-seeking response (1)The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

Listening to Mo Yan's words, Xin'er gradually calmed down. She raised her head thoughtfully and looked at the peace between her sister's eyebrows. She knew that her sister would slowly let go of her resentment towards that woman and work hard to do as she said. live a good life in the future.

My sister is right. That woman gave me life, raised me, and truly loved me. This alone is enough to make me grateful. What's more, because of her, I have a kind father who loves me. What right did she have to resent her wonderful sister and lovely brother?

Even though she was young and didn't know what kind of life that woman had lived, she later learned from other people's words and some things she saw with her own eyes how bitter and mean the second mistress was, forcing that woman, or saying The family was so forced that there was almost no way to survive.

The two sisters reached a tacit agreement on what happened in the cloth village and decided to hide it from their father and brother. Now that that person has the life she longed for and a happy family, she is destined to be just a passer-by in their family's life, and has no significance in talking about it. In this way, there is no need to bother her father and younger brother.

It's just that Mo Yan has always been wary of Chen Ji in his heart. Being able to have such a pomp when going out, even if it is just to show off, shows that he has a certain degree of power. A person with mud-legged background could become such a human being in just over ten years. His skills were not simple, and she had to figure it out before she could rest assured.

After dinner, when night fell completely, Mo Yan returned to his yard and found the two secret guards originally sent by Xiao Ruiyuan from the corner, hoping that they could help find out Chen Ji's details.

But as soon as she finished her request, a secret guard took out a thick letter from his waist and respectfully presented it to Mo Yan: "Miss, the master has ordered that if one day you ask about someone named Chen, Information, Ill leave this to you!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!