Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:09:47 AM

Chapter 649: His protective unspeakable feelings (2)

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Chapter 649: His protective unspeakable feelings (2)

Chapter 649: His protection and unspeakable feelings (2)

The Lin family has disciples all over the world and enjoys a high reputation among scholars. Before the Lin family was jealous of Emperor Hui'an and the imperial concubine was not sent to the cold palace, every time from autumn to spring of the following year, they would go there. The scholars visiting the Lin family came in an endless stream like crucian carp crossing a river.

Even if they were politely invited in every day and waited for ten days and a half without seeing Taishi Lin in person, those scholars still refused to give up until Taishi Lin gave a lecture.

Even though the Lin family is now neglected by Emperor Hui'an and their status in the court is much lower than before, those noble scholars feel that the Lin family is not interested in fame and wealth and is a truly noble family, and they are more and more respected by the world.

Neither Xiao Ruiyuan nor Chu Heng believed that the Lin family was as indifferent to fame and fortune as they appeared. Otherwise, how could they have raised a daughter like Concubine Lin who ruthlessly poisoned Queen Chunyi to death in order to seize the throne as heir apparent?

That is the most important relative of the woman he cherishes, and he is reluctant to hurt her in the slightest. How can he allow such villains to make trouble and make her sad?

Chu Heng looked at his murderous cousin and said helplessly: "If this thing really happened, even if you cut the culprit into thousands of pieces, what's the use? The top priority is that you should send someone to remind Mo Mo before the autumn period has begun. The girls father told him to be careful not to get in trouble with others, and even if someone frames him, we can exonerate him!

Xiao Ruiyuan was confused by concern and lost his mind for a moment. After hearing Chu Heng's words, he stood up quickly, even forgetting to say hello, and hurried away.

Unless he goes to his future father-in-law in person and explains the stakes clearly, he won't be able to sleep peacefully tonight.

Chu Heng, who had been "abandoned", looked at his cousin's hurried away figure, shook his head speechlessly, picked up a white piece from the chess box at hand, and placed it on the unfinished chess board. The outcome had already been decided. The determined chess game was reversed in an instant, and White turned defeat into victory...

Mo Yan didn't know that an ordinary autumn day would turn into a battlefield where two forces competed. She didn't know that because of her, her father was trapped in it and was almost framed to death.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!