Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:09:15 AM

Chapter 668: Admission decision(1)

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Chapter 668: Admission decision(1)

Chapter 668 Admission decision (1)

The children have slow legs and the mountain road is not easy to walk. They could have returned to Liuyang Village in an hour, but it took them an hour and a half with rest and stops.

The father and daughter took the children home, which finally made Li Xiu and others, who had been worried for half a night and refused to go back to their room to rest, feel relieved.

These children had eaten in the morning and were already hungry. After walking such a long way, they were supported by the thought of seeing their relatives soon. Now they finally returned to the safe village, and they were all shouting. Hungry.

Aunt Li Xiu and her nephew went to the kitchen to make a pot of hot pimple soup, put it into a basin, took it out, and scooped a big bowl for each child. While they were eating pimple soup, Mo Yan and the others went to the village together to inform the relatives of these children.

Knowing that he would be asked, Mo Yan had already thought of his words. It was not easy to talk about these things in front of the children, so she asked her father to invite the villagers into the hall that was separated from the dining room, and she went to the kitchen to bring the five beasts who were eating there. The moment he stepped through the door, he was expected to see the villagers' expressions change instantly. A few timid women were so frightened that they hid behind their men.

Mo Yan knelt down, rubbed the fur ball's head, and said softly in the eyes of the villagers, "This is your first time meeting all the uncles and aunts, so say hello to them first!"

The five beasts were revealed today. Firstly, she couldn't hide them. Secondly, the animal tag promised by Emperor Hui'an would be delivered soon, so she had nothing to worry about. She just revealed it to the villagers in advance, but it was very necessary.

After all, the beast tag allows the five beasts to walk openly among the crowd, but it cannot dispel the concerns of the villagers. In the future, if someone loses a chicken in the village, they may be suspicious of the five beasts. At that time, the villagers will Contradictions will inevitably arise. Since they live here, Mo Yan certainly hopes that everyone can live in harmony, and tonight is a good time to establish a good impression of the five beasts in the hearts of the villagers.

The hairy ball nuzzled Mo Yan's hand obediently, then took two steps forward, stood up on his hind legs and stretched out his two furry front paws, as if he didn't see the villagers' attention to him. Fear and rejection made a decent bow.

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