Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:08:43 AM

Chapter 689: Xiao Ruiyuan’s little plan (2)

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Chapter 689: Xiao Ruiyuan’s little plan (2)

Chapter 689 Xiao Ruiyuans little plan (2)

Mo Yan declined politely and let him go, and asked Li Xiu and others to bring out a lot of fruits and snacks to entertain the villagers.

The villagers were inevitably a little disappointed as they did not see what they wanted to see. However, when they ate the delicious snacks and fruits on the table and saw that Mo Yan's attitude towards them was still the same, without showing off at all as a county prince, the disappointment quickly disappeared, and then he asked enthusiastically about the Hui'an Emperor's Meeting The following are the two reasons for the imperial edict of reward.

Mo Yan was asked whether the high-yielding rice was okay or not. He could get away with it by just looking for an excuse. As for bringing five beasts to save people

She wanted to save face, not only to protect her own reputation, but also to protect her sister Xin'er's. She couldn't say it outright that she was trying to save her sweetheart, so she could only choose to hide it, and in a hurry, she came up with a set of excuses. She only said that there were people in Phoenix Mountain. Many rare medicinal materials were taken with the five beasts that day, purely for the purpose of gathering medicine. As a result, they accidentally broke into the paddock and by chance, saved the princes and princes who were besieged by the beasts...

"Haha, Mr. Mo, you really gave birth to a good daughter, which brought glory to our entire Liuyang Village, haha!" Yang Bao laughed heartily, and his face, which originally had only a few wrinkles, was full of wrinkles, which showed that this Happiness comes from the heart!

How can you be unhappy about the birth of a county prince in the village under your jurisdiction? Not to mention whether this matter can bring him any actual benefits, just going to the Yamen to do things in the future will save him a lot of trouble, and he can hold his head high when he walks in front of other village chiefs.

Moreover, this county prince has also received the eight-character praise of the king of the country: "Jade, pure, pure, virtuous, benevolent and righteous." The girls in the village can also follow suit. At least the reputation will be much better, and it will be much easier to get married in the future than now. .

My daughter, you are always doing well! Mo Qingze had a smile on his face, and his slightly raised eyebrows were all proud.

If others praise him, Mo Qingze will be humble, but once he praises a few children, he will accept them all and add a few words by the way to show that his children are really excellent.

Yang Bao obviously knew this, and happily praised Xiner Zhen'er again, and finally asked tentatively: "Yan Yatou has received rewards one after another, and is a newly appointed county monarch. It is really a great joy. Mr. Mo, do you plan to have a banquet to celebrate?"The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

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