Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:07:56 AM

Chapter 718: Counterplanning to seek death (3)

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Chapter 718: Counter-planning to seek death (3)

Chapter 718: Counterattack to seek death (3)

Girl Yan, youre welcome! No one has a problem. Your family has helped us a lot in the past. Today, your family has encountered difficulties. We cant just watch. If anything happens to your family, just speak up!

Mo Yan nodded repeatedly and accepted the kindness of the villagers.

Everyone talked for a while and felt relieved when they saw that the faces of the Mo siblings looked much better. Knowing that it was not appropriate to stay at Mo's house any longer, they greeted Mo Yan and left Mo's house.

Before leaving, these people spontaneously helped clean up the leftovers from Table Mountain and walked out of Mo's house with their own tables, chairs and benches.

Came over early in the morning to help, and a dozen women who had no time to sit down to eat ate their food and continued to help the Mo family wash the dishes, chopsticks, pots and dishes, and clean the house.

The day her father came down from the examination room, something was wrong with her. She had nightmares about someone trying to harm her. On the night of the celebration, her father was obviously drunk and unconscious, but he grabbed her hand and said he would protect her and not let anyone hurt her. ;Today, even Mr. Liu said that based on his father's strength, he would not just be ranked 101, but his father used the excuse that nervousness affected his performance...

From various signs, my father clearly knew that someone would use this imperial examination to frame him. As for the purpose... it was most likely aimed at her, but in the end he probably wanted to use her to attack the prince Chu Heng. After all, many people knew that she had saved Chu Heng, and because of her relationship with Chu Heng, it was not impossible for Chu Heng to use the imperial examination to repay her or have other calculations.

With this motive, the ability to frame him, and the ability to bring the matter directly to Emperor Hui'an, the first thing she thought of was King Heng and the Lin family, who were offended by her and hated Chu Heng deeply.

As for the other princes and princes who had wanted to challenge the position of crown prince, they also had this motive, but their suspicions were far less than those of Prince Heng and the Lin family.

With the object of suspicion, Mo Yan's brain started working quickly, thinking of ways to rescue his father. Before his father took the exam, Prince Heng or someone from the Lin family must have been in contact with his father. It was very likely that he directly stuffed his father with the answers. However, his father did not agree, so she was used to force him to cheat.

Father is not stupid. Of course, if he really cheats, he will definitely fall into the trap set by those people. But if he doesn't agree, those people will have other ways to frame his father, so his father is forced to agree.

If you want to get rid of this calculation, the easiest way is to give up the exam. But whoever has been studying hard for decades and finally has the opportunity to pick up books again and take the scientific examination will be willing to let all his hard work go to waste?

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!