Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:07:53 AM

Chapter 720: Yan Yan is in jail(1)

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Chapter 720: Yan Yan is in jail(1)

Chapter 720 Yan Yan is in jail (1)

The night before Qiu Wei, when Xiao Ruiyuan found Mo Qingze, someone had already approached Mo Qingze in advance. After offering inducements and inducements, when Mo Qingze refused to accept the Qiu Wei test questions and answers, he threatened and used strong methods to force him to Stuffed it to him.

Mo Qingze didnt believe that the person would get the real test questions and answers in advance, and even if it was true, he wouldnt accept it. After the man left, he threw aside the so-called test questions and answers.

While Mo Qingze was reviewing his books, Xiao Ruiyuan came over. When he heard that someone might use Qiu Wei to deal with him and frame the prince through his daughter, Mo Qingze remembered the pages of paper that had been forced on him before, and quickly told Xiao Ruiyuan about the matter, and also found the A few pages.

Xiao Ruiyuan did not know Qiu Wei's test questions and could not judge the authenticity of the test questions and answers. But since those people have worked so hard to set up a trap, they cannot use fake ones to fool people. Otherwise, how can they continue to use this trap to frame the prince of a country?

Mo Qingze calmed down once he heard that the test questions and answers were true. Ever since I knew that my daughter had saved the prince and indirectly offended King Heng and the Lin family, I guessed that King Heng and the Lin family might take revenge, but I didn't expect that they would make a fuss about Qiu Wei.

This not only makes it easy to eliminate the suspicion of fraud, but even if someone accuses Chu Heng of covering up Mo Qingze and interfering with the fairness of the ruling, not many people will believe it.

Prince Heng and the Lin family were not without suspicion after learning about Mo Qingze's achievements, but their hatred for Mo Yan and Chu Heng was so extreme, how could they let this opportunity pass? In the end, they insisted on following their previous plan and exposed Mo Qingze's "cheating" in front of Emperor Hui'an.

Emperor Hui'an didn't know the ins and outs of the matter in advance, but yesterday someone brought out personal and material evidence to prove that Mo Qingze had committed fraud in the examination room, so he secretly sent someone to investigate, and easily found out the anomaly in Mo Qingze's Qiuwei results. shape.

Emperor Hui'an knew who was plotting against Mo Qingze and who was really plotting behind him. Today, he specially ordered the guards to send Mo Qingze to the prison of the Criminal Department. One was for public purposes, to thoroughly investigate the fraud in the examination room, and the other was for private purposes, so as to severely punish those who deserved punishment.

He has endured some people and things long enough!

Chu Heng came to Qinzheng Hall and asked straight to the point about Mo Qingze's examination fraud.

Emperor Hui'an did not hide anything from him and told him the whole story. Finally, he looked at the handsome prince and said meaningfully: "In recent years, the fraud in the examination room has become more and more serious. This time, even the father of the county prince is involved. I want to personally investigate thoroughly and deal with those who have committed the fraud severely, so as to revive the public. What does Heng'er think of the Qingming trend in the imperial examinations?"The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

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