Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:07:36 AM

Chapter 729: Perfect counterattack in public trial (2)

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Chapter 729: Perfect counterattack in public trial (2)

Chapter 729: Public Trial and Perfect Counterattack (2)

"Thank you, Master, for not being punished!" An Jiu, who had escaped punishment, quickly kowtowed and thanked him. Then he raised his head and asked Xiao Ruiyuan with a puzzled face: "Master, the person who set the fire was a killer secretly trained by the Lin family. Since he was targeting Mo Mr. Mo, why didnt he just get rid of Mr. Mo and then set fire to the cell to destroy the body and eliminate all traces of the body, but he didnt do that. After setting the fire, he deliberately made a noise to make people aware of it. Why is this?

Seeing that his right-hand man actually asked such a stupid question, Xiao Ruiyuan's face darkened, and he said to Xiao Shi who was snickering at the side: "You, explain to him! If he is still so stupid in the future, it's for your sake!"

Xiao Shiyi's face froze, and he accepted the order with a sad face. Looking at An Jiu who was kneeling on the ground with gloating in his eyes, he secretly grinded his teeth and grabbed An Jiu to train him.

With two people missing, the already quiet study became even more peaceful.

An Jiu was unprepared and was beaten up, which suddenly aroused his anger and started fighting with Xiao Shishi.

The two were fighting and arguing, all centered around who was the real "elm head". During this quarrel, they couldn't help but talk about the old things between their master and the girl from the Mo family.

From the time the two met until now, almost nothing has been forgotten, and a few sentimental words such as "destined to be" and "a perfect match" pop up from time to time.

Xiao Ruiyuan stood in front of the bed and listened quietly. His face shrouded in moonlight was unexpectedly soft. It turned out that he and Yan'er had already gone through so many things!

He carefully recalled the past between the two of them, and a faint smile unconsciously appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Since it is a "destined" marriage, letting Uncle Mo know about it earlier will not hinder it, right? He really couldn't wait!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!