Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:07:10 AM

Chapter 745: Destruction(2)

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Chapter 745: Destruction(2)

Chapter 745 Destruction (2)

Mo Qingze's performance was noticed by everyone. Emperor Hui'an, who always kept his emotions secret, also clapped his hands and laughed, and praised without hesitation: "Our country is indeed full of talented people. Mo Mr. Wen Chenggong is very knowledgeable and quick-thinking. Even if Wen Chenggong is still alive, I would like to praise him for being a formidable person!"

Wen Chenggong, whose real name was Wen Tianzhong, was very wise at a young age. He won the first prize at the age of eight, making him the youngest number one scholar in the 500 years since the establishment of the imperial examination system. He knew both astronomy and geography, and wrote more than ten classics in his lifetime. He was the most famous writer in history. Later generations respectfully called him Duke Wen Chenggong.The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

Emperor Hui'an has always been rigorous. He used Wen Chenggong to praise Mo Qingze, which was a very high compliment. The word "Sir" was used in the title, which shows that he was extremely satisfied with Mo Qingze's performance.

The Holy Spirit praises me so much that I am ashamed of myself! Mo Qingze said humbly, neither proud nor overly self-effacing. This calm and natural performance made Emperor Hui'an's impression of him much better.

The next moment, Mo Qingze knelt in the main hall, stretched out his index finger, pointed solemnly at Zhao Lamb and Qin Hui, who were huddled in the corner and framed him, and said to Emperor Hui'an: "If students have this difficulty, all Its the rumors spread by these three people, I beg the Holy One to make the decision for the students!

Knowing that the real man behind the scenes was King Heng, Mo Qingze was smart enough not to directly testify. He only attributed everything to the three perjurers.

Wang Heng is the prince and the biological son of Emperor Hui'an. The feud between brothers happened in a common people's home, and it was also a shameful thing for the family, not to mention the royal family whose every move can attract the attention of the world?

The smile on Emperor Hui'an's face faded. He looked at the three people crawling and kneeling in the center of the hall. A murderous intent flashed in his sharp eyes, and his life or death was decided in one sentence: "Three people in the examination room He cheated first, falsely accused others of committing the crime later, and gave perjury in front of me. The criminal deceived the emperor. The three crimes are combined and the punishment is to confiscate the home and execute him immediately! However, God has the virtue of good life. Remembering his first offense, I do not want to implicate innocent people and confiscate the home. If you can avoid it, you cannot escape the death penalty. Three days later, you will be beheaded at the Meridian Gate"

Before the words were finished, the three people who were sentenced to death instantly collapsed on the ground, with deep regret and despair in their lifeless pupils!

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