Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:06:37 AM

Chapter 762: Arrested and brought to the palace to plead for mercy (3)

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Chapter 762: Arrested and brought to the palace to plead for mercy (3)

Chapter 762: Arrested and brought to the palace to plead for mercy (3)

After thinking about it, she asked Xue Tuanzi again: "What about now? Can Tietou and Liu Qingqing make it now?"

"It can happen!" Xue Tuanzi said without hesitation: "Without you helping the Wu family escape from the old Mo family, Tietou would not be able to marry Liu Qingqing. Tietou would run away from home in despair and **** goods for the **** agency. In the end, his legs were cut off by bandits and he died in poverty and loneliness; Liu Qingqing also had no good outcome and died of depression because of missing Tietou... In short, you did a good deed, but you actually saved two lives! Now, you Do you blame yourself?"

Mo Yan wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and shook his head violently.

Xue Tuanzi rolled his eyes happily and said in an old-fashioned voice: "You can teach me!"

Mo Yan's mood brightened, and she spun around happily with the snow dumpling in her arms. Then she frowned and said uneasily: "Aunt Wu will not agree to Brother Tietou to marry Liu Qingqing. If they really break up, will they leave?" Take the road you mentioned?"

Xue Tuanzi shook his head and regained his snow-white body, and replied: "Of course! But if you are willing to help them and let them get married smoothly, then it will be fine!"

Everyone guessed that the matter was not that simple. Seeing that Mo Yan didn't say anything, they didn't ask any more questions. They chatted for a while and went back to their rooms to rest.

Mo Yan finished taking a shower and lay on the bed to think of a solution. One idea after another came up, and she suppressed it again. After thinking about it, she still felt that this matter was difficult to handle. As a result, she fell asleep as she thought about it.

In the next few days, the Wu family was relatively calm. It's just that Wu is determined to break up Tietou and Liu Qingqing, so that he must go home to sleep after the rice shop closes.

Tietou is a filial person. No matter how unwilling he is, he would not dare to make his mother sad again. So I went to Mipu early every morning to do some work, and came back under the stars and the moon at night. On a very cold day, the wind came and went, and my face, ears, and hands soon developed chilblains, which were as swollen as steamed buns.

As a mother, how could Mrs. Wu not feel sorry for her son? She gritted her teeth and refused to let Tietou continue to sleep in the rice shop. She only bought cotton and pulled some cloth, and made thick cotton clothes, socks and shoes for Tietou overnight, including several pairs of sleeves.

Tietou is stubborn and refuses to put on new cotton-padded clothes and new cotton-padded shoes. Within a few days, those chilblains began to burst open one after another, and they continued to bleed and pus, which made other people feel pain when they looked at them.

Wu had no choice but to buy a good ointment, and secretly went to Tietou's room every night to apply the ointment to Tietou, who was sleeping soundly.

Tietou didn't notice it for the first few days, but later he found out and simply bolted the door to the room. Perhaps, unable to think of any other way, he could only choose this stupid method, hoping that his mother would agree. Little did he know that this method not only hurt himself, but also seriously hurt a loving mother's heart.

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