Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:06:24 AM

Chapter 769: Du was released from prison and came to ask for help (2)

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Chapter 769: Du was released from prison and came to ask for help (2)

Chapter 769 Du is released from prison and comes to ask for help (2)

Chen Shanshan thought angrily, her eyes fixed on the two people hugging each other tightly, wishing to poke thousands of holes in them.

It's ironic to say that if Chen Shanshan hadn't been so squeamish that she couldn't bear the fatigue of running around for days and insisted on landing in Bincheng, thousands of miles away from Beijing, Xiao Ruiyuan's secret guards would not have found her traces. Finally, the Chen family was found in a private house. All three were captured.

The day he was captured, he was thrown into the prison of the Ministry of Punishment and lived a life of waiting for death.

Chen Shanshan resented her biological father, Chen Ji, for being rebellious and doing evil things that brought her down. She also felt that Du was a loser and was born to defeat her. She trampled Chen Ji's fatherly love for her under his feet and did not even touch her at all. The heart is like a wolf's heart and a dog's lungs.

Chen Ji really deserves to die. Before he died, he found out the true identity of the daughter he had raised for more than ten years, which was considered retribution for the evil things he had done. However, as an ordinary father, there is nothing more tragic than raising such a wolf-hearted daughter.

Du Shi had always trusted Chen Ji. Seeing that he was so sure, she thought he had met a great person, and asked anxiously: "Who is it? Who is that person? He can help Lan'er get out of trouble, can't he help Brother Ji?" ?

Chen Ji smiled bitterly and said something that shocked Du Shi to the extreme: "Lan'er, the eldest daughter you have missed for many years, she was canonized as a county prince by the Holy Lord not long ago! She has a good relationship with the prince, and she is also in front of the Holy Lord. She has some dignity, if she is willing to intercede for you, you will definitely be able to get out."

Mr. Du, who has lived in Beijing for many years, knew what the Junjun represented. She was stunned for a moment and subconsciously shouted: "No-impossible, how is this possible? How can Yan'er be a Junjun? How can she become a Junjun?"

Knowing that her husband would not lie to her about such a thing, Du Shi still couldn't believe it. How old was her daughter when she left the Mo family? Six or seven? She was such a young person and grew up in such an environment. When she dreamed about it at midnight, she was so worried that her daughter would not survive!

Several unexpected encounters made her cry with joy. Her eldest daughter was alive and her three children were alive and well. The guilt in her heart finally showed signs of loosening.

Now, her husband tells her that her daughter is a county prince who has the ability to save her. But how can she have the face to ask for her daughters forgiveness and let her take risks to save herself?

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