Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:05:55 AM

Chapter 779: be aware of (4)

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Chapter 779: be aware of (4)

Chapter 779: Clearly aware (4)

At this time, Shen Ji looked straight into the yard, not knowing what he saw or heard. A smile couldn't help but appear on his gentle face, which added a strange look to his already handsome face.

Xiao Ruiyuan followed his line of sight and saw Mo Yan grabbing the ears of the two beasts in feint of anger. His face suddenly darkened, and his eyes were like knives, swishing at Shen Ji.

Ever since he knew that there was a "rival" called Shen Ji, Xiao Ruiyuan had always disliked him, but he had to admit that he was indeed more in line with Mo Qingze's requirements for choosing a son-in-law than himself. He was not a kind person, nor did he bother to do anything behind his back. But with such a big living person standing in front of him, coveting his beloved unscrupulously, he still had the urge to kill.

Shen Ji, who was forced to become an imaginary enemy, had no idea of someone's dark thoughts. He couldn't move his eyes away from the beautiful and dazzling woman in the courtyard. He also felt that this kind of voyeurism was not the behavior of a gentleman, so he looked away in panic, his slightly fair face showing. A blush quietly appeared on my face...

Mo Yan kept his word. As expected, he didnt give the two idiots anything to eat during dinner.

Xiao Hua and Mao Tuan, two brothers and sisters, looked at the table full of delicacies and their mouths were full of laughter. Who could bear to eat when being looked at by such two pairs of bright eyes?

Everyone knew that they would not eat food fed by anyone other than Mo Yan, but they still couldn't help but give them delicious soy sauce bones. As a result, the two guys just looked at each other with salivation and turned their attention to the master. As long as the master nodded, , they will be able to eat delicious food soon.

Xiaohua and Maoduan squinted their eyes and ate with big mouthfuls. They were so happy that they wanted to fly. The love for their master in their hearts rose to a new level. Apparently they had forgotten that they had been punished by running a hundred laps and made them hungry. The one with the belly is the person in front of you.

The world of foodies is indeed difficult for ordinary people to understand!

Mo Yan talks about punishment, but how can he really be willing to starve them? Seeing that the two beasts were eating happily, she touched their heads, got up and was about to go back to the room to make the bed when she heard a "squeak", the ajar door was pushed open, and a long leg stepped in.

At the same time, Shen Ji, who lived in the guest room in the south of Mo's house, also had a knock on the door. Shen Ji quickly put on the clothes he had just taken off and went to look at the door. He saw Mo Qingze standing outside the door, looking at him with a very kind look.

Shen Ji's eyelids twitched, and while guessing the purpose of his friend's visit, he stepped aside and invited his friend in: "Brother Ziyu, please come in quickly."

Mo Qingze nodded and walked in with a smile. When Shen Ji closed the door, he asked casually, "Yun Jin has been selected, do you have any arrangements at home?"

"I wonder what Brother Ziyu is referring to..." Shen Ji's eyebrows and heart beat slightly, hiding the surprise in his heart, he asked with a smile.

Shen Ji has a gentle temperament, but is not a dull person. In the past, when the two met, they mostly talked about knowledge or hobbies, and never talked about their respective families. Mo Qingze came over unexpectedly tonight and asked about his personal affairs again, obviously he had ulterior motives.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!