Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:05:33 AM

Chapter 792: Speculations on the cause of rebirth (1)

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Chapter 792: Speculations on the cause of rebirth (1)

Chapter 792 Speculation on the cause of rebirth (1)

Wu moved quickly. After telling Da Nier to take care of Tietou at home, she went into the city alone that day. No one knows what she said to Liu Qingqing, but when she came back, she seemed to be in a good mood. Although she didn't say it directly, her satisfaction with Liu Qingqing was revealed between the lines. If nothing unexpected happened, the marriage was considered a success.

The matter was resolved satisfactorily before she could think of a proper solution. Mo Yan was also relieved. She just waited for the Wu family to set the date and happily went to ask for a wedding drink.

However, Mo Yan still had some doubts in his heart, so he asked Xue Tuanzi: "If the Wu family had not separated from the old Mo family, Brother Tietou and Liu Qingqing would not have had any results. It was because of the pressure of the Mo Hong family. , Brother Tietou doesnt dare to resist?

"Of course not!" Xue Tuanzi said: "He fought, and the Wu family finally relented and compromised. But they haven't left the old Mo family for a day, and Mo Hong has the final say in everything! Mo Hong doesn't care about Tietou at all. Grandson, how can you be so soft-hearted and compromise?"

Xue Tuanzi rolled his eyes and said in a rather disappointed tone: "Yan Yan, you are so stupid! There is no shortage of boys named Yan, but that doesn't mean there is no shortage of people under him! The Madam of Yanyu Tower But the cruel and money-grubbing master, as long as she doesnt delay the business of the higher-ups, the dirty money she makes is nothing at all. Even if she is exposed, she wont be punished by the higher-ups, so why doesnt she do it?

Mo Yan couldn't tell that Xue Tuanzi was laughing at her. She was so angry that her teeth started to itch. She wanted to climb up the tree, pull it off the branch, and give it a good beating.

However, what Xue Tuanzi said is indeed very realistic. In the past life, this kind of thing was more common, especially in larger companies. As long as it did not harm the interests of the company, some people would usually just turn a blind eye when they took advantage of their positions to seek personal gain. Just an eye.

Even though I know the truth that "when the water is clear, there will be no fish", I still feel a little uncomfortable when I think that after my winery is built, I will have to employ a lot of people, and this kind of thing will still exist.

However, since these things cannot be avoided, it is unintentional to think about them too much. Mo Yan quickly put them aside and asked about another thing she had always wanted to know: "Xue Tuanzi, if I had not come to this time and space, what would I have done?" Dad, what will happen to them?"

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