Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:05:01 AM

Chapter 812: The estrangement and anger between father and son (1)

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Chapter 812: The estrangement and anger between father and son (1)

Chapter 812 The estrangement and anger between father and son (1)

Father, you have your own considerations, and I also have my own thoughts. Miss Namo is doing it for Liangdi, so Im sorry that I cant obey her orders! Chu Heng had a cold face and refused without hesitation.

He never thought that his father would make such a ridiculous request and actually ask him to take his cousin's sweetheart as his concubine. Not to mention that he didn't have any thoughts about the woman his cousin liked. Even if he did, he would never do anything to steal her love.

In his heart, brotherhood is far more important than a woman!

Emperor Hui'an's face became more and more ugly, and there was a hint of anger: "I have found someone to calculate it. Although the girl is destined to be lonely, once she survives the catastrophe of her destiny, she will definitely have good luck. Yifu Wangzi! Now that girl's disaster has passed, she is indeed blessed with profound blessings. I know you don't believe it, but if it hadn't been for that girl, how could you still sit here and argue against me? Even if Han Zhang was in danger several times, if it hadn't been for that girl's rescue, How can anyone survive until now?"

If Emperor Hui'an hadn't held the secret for Taishi Lin, Concubine Lin would not have entered the palace and killed Queen Chunyi. This incident has always been a thorn in Chu Heng's heart. Every time he thinks of his biological mother, he feels a faint pain.

Emperor Hui'an's words were undoubtedly a fuse, instantly detonating Chu Heng's deep resentment deep in his heart. In front of Emperor Hui'an, he questioned mercilessly.

Emperor Hui'an also didn't expect that Chu Heng would suddenly mention Queen Chunyi and question himself in such a tone. He was stunned for a while and couldn't say a word.

Chu Heng had already concluded in his heart that Emperor Hui'an used Concubine Lin for the throne and indirectly killed Queen Chunyi. He did not expect him to admit it in person, so he only said coldly: "I think I am not a gentleman, but I don't even bother to use women to achieve success." A certain purpose! You kept saying it was for your own good, but in fact you were just afraid of Hanzhang and worried that your minister would not be able to control him and make him have other thoughts, so you asked your minister to name Miss Mo as your concubine in order to contain him. Its just him!

Looking at the old man in front of him, Chu Heng couldn't tell what he felt in his heart. He couldn't deny that this man was kind to him, nor could he deny that he had a true father-son relationship with him, but some things were burned into his heart after all, and he couldn't convince himself to respect and love this man without any grudges.

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