Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:05:00 AM

Chapter 813: The estrangement and anger between father and son (2)

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Chapter 813: The estrangement and anger between father and son (2)

Chapter 813 The estrangement and anger between father and son (2)

There are not many people close to him. Over the years, he has regarded his two cousins as his own brothers. He cannot tolerate anyone plotting against them for any purpose. This is his bottom line and he will not allow anyone to plot against them. Half a step beyond.

"Heng'er, no, father, no..." Seeing the alienation and indifference in Chu Heng's eyes, Emperor Hui'an felt a pain in his heart.

He always knew that this son was not as much as he seemed on the surface, and he respected and loved his father. He also guessed where the crux was, but when everything was laid out naked in front of him, even as an emperor, he still couldn't accept it. .

Concubine Nalin entered the palace with the intention of taking advantage of her, but if he knew that this step would lead to the tragic death of his wife, he would not do it anyway. However, there is no regret medicine in this world, and his queen will never come back. His most beloved son also blames him in his heart. He brewed all this bitter wine, and he can only drink it one bite at a time. .

Xiao Ruiyuan's eyes were soft and he shook his head slightly. He then took out a piccolo from his waist and placed it across his lips, blowing a short melody.

After a while, Mo Yan heard the sound of two horse hooves coming from behind, and soon a tall horse appeared in front of him. Then another person appeared on horseback. Xiao Shiyi, who was sitting on top, turned over and dismounted. After saluting Mo Yan, he stood loyally behind his master.

Xiao Ruiyuan's horse was very lively. When he saw his master, he neighed happily, rubbed his shoulder affectionately with his neck, and gave Mo Yan a very flattering look.

If this horse had not been strictly trained by Xiao Ruiyuan and could resist the temptation of foreign objects to a certain extent, otherwise it would have pounced on Mo Yan to eat and drink when he saw Mo Yan for the first time. Animals are more sensitive to spiritual energy than humans. Much.

Of course, it was too dark, so Mo Yan didnt see this look, and it was just thrown to the air. However, this did not prevent Mo Yan from loving the horse at all. He reached out and touched its neck and praised: "What a good horse. Next time you come to my house, I will give you delicious food."

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