Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:04:06 AM

Chapter 843: Fooling scum (4)

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Chapter 843: Fooling scum (4)

Chapter 843: Deceiving Scumbags (4)nove(l)bi(n.)com

Mo Yan suppressed her anger and did not rush to argue with Du Wencai, so as not to alert the scum and escape. After thinking about it, she drove Da Hong Zao to a place where the carriage could be parked not far away. After paying two cents for the care, she quietly followed a man and a man who had left the jewelry stall and headed towards the west of the street. female.

Along the way, the two visited many stalls, and Du Wencai was very generous with his purchases. Whenever the woman was interested in something, he would buy it with his money without even changing the price. Although the items on the stall were not valuable, the stall owner saw Du Wencai's generosity and deliberately raised the price by a few cents. After adding up, he spent at least two hundred cents in less than two moments.

Du Wencai was born into a poor family, but he was unwilling to make money by copying letters for others like many poor people did, thinking that it would be beneath his status. This kind of person, until he is more than 20 years old, has probably never made a penny with his own hands.

The conditions of the Du family are so bad. Even if the Liu family pays off their debts, it is impossible for them to give a lot of money to Du Wencai to spend as he pleases. I am afraid that the women of the Du family have washed hundreds of clothes for others. In exchange, Du Wencai spent all the money he got, and Bo Jiaren smiled.

For a utilitarian person like Du Wencai, beauty ranks far behind power. Mo Yan doesn't think he covets the beauty of the Tian girls. In real terms, the three Tian girls are not as good as one Liu Tinglan. I'm afraid it's too much. I came here quickly because I knew a "reputable" person named Tian.

In order for the Liu family and his wife to recognize Du Wencai's true face and dissolve their marriage with the Du family, Mo Yan released Maomao from the space while no one was around, letting it stare at Du Wencai's every move and see what he usually does. What "good things" have been done?

Mao Mao, who had fattened up a lot in the space, listened to Mo Yan's instructions, nodded his head at her, and quickly flapped his wings and chased in the direction where Du Wencai disappeared.

Seeing Maomao disappear, Mo Yan withdrew his gaze, his eyes were cold. If strong evidence can be collected, the Liu family will break off the engagement without anyone persuading them. Although breaking off the engagement will still have a bad impact on the Liu family and Liu Tinglan, the fault lies with Du Wencai and the pressure on the Liu family will be much less.

Having found a breakthrough, the stone that had been weighing on Mo Yan's heart for many days suddenly loosened. Seeing that it was getting late, Mo Yan returned to the place where the carriage was parked and drove Da Hong Zao around the rice shop. After having lunch at Mipu and checking the accounts, he drove a carriage to Gongyuan and picked up Mo Qingze who had finished the examination...

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