Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:03:36 AM

Chapter 864: Announcement of Huiyuan (2)

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Chapter 864: Announcement of Huiyuan (2)

Chapter 864: List of Huiyuan (2)

The person who was involved in this case was not from the capital. Although he knew that there was a very high-profile fraud case in the capital last year, he also knew that the protagonist of the fraud case was named Mo Qingze, also known as Ziyu. During the court trial, he relied on his knowledge to make a fortune. , cited extensively, shined in the Hall of Supreme Harmony, and became famous all over the world, but the true face of this outstanding figure has never been seen.

As soon as he heard that the extraordinary student was Mo Ziyu, he immediately turned his head and looked over, only to see that the legendary awesome figure was talking to the little girl next to him with a loving look on his face, without any hint of the legendary figure. Mysterious, I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed: "I thought Master Ziyu was such an extraordinary and romantic person, but he looks like he is just an ordinary person!"Follow current novels on novelb((in).(com)

How could the student from before tolerate disrespect from someone who admired him? His face suddenly darkened and he said coldly: "If you haven't seen Master Ziyu's style, don't jump to conclusions! No matter how extraordinary a person is, first of all He is also a human being who loves his children, unlike some people who rely on their meager talents to put on an air of being the best in the world and comment on others, but they don't know that they expose the fact that they are only half a bucket of water."

The person at the table is not a fool. How can I not hear that this is a sarcastic comment on him? Blushing for a moment, he slapped the table with his hand and was about to stand up to argue with the man. Someone at the next table said, "What they said is right. Why are you so angry? Master Ziyu is so talented." The Holy Spirit praised it personally, if you are not convinced, you can go to Mr. Ziyu now to challenge him."

Mo Yan drank tea and ate a snack. She thought it tasted pretty good, so she placed the snack plate in front of the two sisters: "This jasmine tea has honey in it and it tastes pretty good. You two ate too little in the morning. Use some with snacks, so you wont be so hungry when you go shopping later that you cant even walk.

Xiner and Sheng'er were a little greedy when they smelled the fragrance of jasmine tea. After hearing what their sister said, they were not polite and started eating with snacks in one hand and a teacup in the other.

As soon as the snack was in her mouth, Xin'er shook her head, took a sip of scented tea and swallowed it before saying to Mo Yan: "Sister, this snack is not as delicious as the one you made, and this scented tea is not as fragrant as the one you brewed. If our house is nearby, If you open a teahouse, this one will definitely close down."

Xiner did not suppress her voice deliberately. When the waiter who was standing not far away to greet the guests heard this, he glanced over and said nothing.

Mo Yan could see it clearly and couldn't help but glare at Xin'er: "In the past, we couldn't afford pastries and drink scented tea with honey. Why didn't you say it tasted bad?"

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