Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:03:14 AM

Chapter 877: Plan champion(1)

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Chapter 877: Plan champion(1)

Chapter 877 Planning Number One Scholar (1)

Only thirty people participated in the last round of the palace examination, and they also had to write a policy essay within half an hour. The results of this round will directly determine the first and second place. Among the thirty people, the ten tributes who did not enter the top two were tied for the top three with the seventy people who failed the retest the day before yesterday.

The future depends on today's performance, so the atmosphere in the Baohe Hall was far more tense than the re-examination the day before yesterday. In addition to the same invigilators, there was also Emperor Hui'an sitting on a dragon throne, which undoubtedly intensified the solemn atmosphere in the palace.

When Emperor Hui'an announced the topic of the policy discussion, some students who were not mentally strong enough had their hands shaking the moment they picked up their pens. Of course, most people had a good attitude and answered the questions with ink as if no one else was watching.

The performance of the thirty people clearly fell into the eyes of Emperor Hui'an. Based on the information in hand and the decisions made in the examination and re-examination, he had already made a preliminary judgment on the abilities of these people. His eyes rested on the few students in the hall who were answering seriously for a moment, and the pause on Mo Qingze was especially long.

Finally, Emperor Hui'an finally withdrew his gaze, put aside the few pages of paper in his hand, and picked up the ink pen to review the pile of memorials.

Maodan couldn't understand his master's good intentions. Seeing that his master seemed serious, he immediately became anxious. He put his huge head on Mo Yan's lap and started to hum and act cute.

This guy has grown into a big adult tiger, weighing more than a thousand kilograms. His huge head rested on Mo Yan's legs, like a rice millstone weighing him down. Mo Yan felt that his legs were crushed by it. .

You bad guy, get up quickly! Mo Yan cursed with a smile and quickly pushed the hairballs head with his hand.

The hair ball is not there, and the big head is still rubbing, and there is no look like the king of the forest!

Mo Yan lost her temper because of the hair ball, but she still did not let go. She insisted on reducing its daily "ration" by one-third and let the snow dumpling in the space supervise it.

A man and an animal were making a fuss when the car window was suddenly knocked. Mo Yan was startled, turned her palms, and took the hair ball back into the space. Just when she was about to ask who the person outside was, a familiar voice came through the wooden wall of the car: "Yan'er, it's me!"

Mo Yan opened the car door suddenly and saw the man's face clearly against the bright sunlight. Who could it be if it wasn't Xiao Ruiyuan?

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