Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:02:53 AM

Chapter 881: Conflict(2)

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Chapter 881: Conflict(2)

Chapter 881 Conflict (2)

Even though the womans remarriage was criticized by others, the couple loved each other and lived a smooth and happy life, so they didnt pay attention to those gossips. To this day, the murmurings behind my back are mostly caused by envy, jealousy and hatred.

When Mo Yan heard this, he felt admiration for the courageous and resolute woman in his heart. This is what women should be like.

While everyone was talking about it, more than 30 majestic guards suddenly poured out of the palace gate.

Thirty guards stood neatly in two rows in front of the wall on the left, blocking the people who tried to come forward and not letting anyone get close. Then, a group of eunuchs in green and two eunuchs in purple filed out. I saw two eunuchs in purple walking out with respectful expressions holding a piece of bright yellow silk cloth. The silk cloth was unfolded to be one foot long and five feet wide, with densely written words on it.

Look, the rankings are released!

As soon as the bright yellow silk cloth was hung on the palace wall, the crowd began to stir. Everyone stood on their toes and pushed forward, stretching their necks to stare at the wall.

"What, is it Mr. Ziyu? Oops, this time the loss is big, and all the coffins of my father and mother are lost!" A wailing sound rang out from the crowd, and a burly man was seen beating his chest and stamping his feet, about to cry but without tears.

Someone on the side gloated: "You deserve it. I tried to persuade you to win, but you failed to win. You just have to wait and see how your father will deal with you!"

"How to deal with me? Just spank me, what else can I do? Oh, what bad luck!"

Haha, Im quite unlucky! This time I was lucky enough to make the right bet. Even if the odds are not high, its still enough for my family to eat and drink for two or three years. Im content, haha

A small list actually performed scenes of tragedies and comedies, silently looking down at the people who were laughing and scolding.

Mo Yan looked at his father's name at the top of the bright yellow list, a faint smile appeared on his face, and the worry in his heart completely dissipated.

Perhaps Mo Qingze's reputation is too great, and he is the one who talks the most among the crowd. As for who is second and third overall, or even who is second and third place, not many people pay attention to it anymore.

Next, the number one scholar, the second scholar, and the third best scholar will parade through the streets. This is the honor bestowed by the king of a country to a first-class scholar, and it is also the main reason why people gather here despite the scorching sun.

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