Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:02:04 AM

Chapter 899: Beware of planning(1)

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Chapter 899: Beware of planning(1)

Chapter 899 Beware of planning (1)

One night passed, and when Mo Yan woke up, the fifteen birds that had drank the water from the spiritual spring had been trained by Xue Tuanzi to become birds that could truly convey messages.

Mo Yan was eager to give it a try, and immediately wrote a letter to his father, reminding him to be wary of Taichang Temple Minister Zhao Fengnian, and briefly explained the reasons. After the letter was written, a black starling was sent to it.nove(l)bi(n.)com

The myna is very smart. I told it the detailed address and made sure it understood and found the way, then let it fly.

Mo Qingze returned home in the evening and saw the starling who delivered the letter on the steps at the door of Zhuangyuan Mansion. I originally thought that the little guy was just taking a rest when he was tired, but unexpectedly it came to his shoulder and stretched out a yellow paw in front of him.

Mo Qingze was stunned when he looked at the thumb-long letterbox tied to his leg. Because I wasn't sure the letter was for him, I didn't originally intend to open the mailbox, but just as I was about to brush it away and move on, I saw Bago pecking open the cork on the mailbox and staring at him with bright eyes. look.

Mo Qingze saw this and stretched out his fingers to tease the myna with interest. He saw the myna gently pecking his fingers and making a "chirp" sound from his mouth, which looked quite intelligent.

After reading the letter carefully, Mo Qingze had a look of understanding on his face, finally clearing up the doubts he had been having for days.

Mo Qingze couldn't help but have a headache as he had some calculations in his mind. He sharpened his pen, wrote a simple reply to his daughter, and stuffed it into the mailbox on myna's feet.

Touching the smooth feathers of the starling, I felt a little fond of the little guy standing at the end of the desk very patiently while writing a letter, quietly and not making any noise.

He turned around and took out half a piece of snack from the box of the desk drawer, broke it into small pieces and fed it. When he saw the little guy's eyes shining and jumping over, he couldn't help but feel a little funny. He said warmly: "Eat, you are full." Just send the letter back."


Brother understood what he was saying. He opened his mouth and called out to Mo Qingze twice. Then he jumped to his hand and started to peck at it. He quickly finished half of the snack.

The satiated myna quickly disappeared into the night. Mo Qingze cleaned up the snack crumbs scattered on the table, and decisively decided to go back and ask his daughter to bring the myna over to be raised.

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