Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:01:58 AM

Chapter 903: Matchmaker comes to your door(1)

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Chapter 903: Matchmaker comes to your door(1)

Chapter 903 The matchmaker comes (1)nove(l)bi(n.)com

Mo Yan refused to agree and said with a smile: "Uncle Lu, when the small courtyard is completed, you can live in whichever one you like. This is my niece's filial piety to you."

"Haha, it costs at least five hundred taels of silver to build a small villa. You girl let Uncle Lu choose it without blinking an eye. It's very generous. Don't let Uncle Lu live in it by then, and you won't be able to part with it. "Master Lu felt happy for this intention and couldn't help but joke.

Mo Yan pretended to be a money-lover and said tangledly: "Then...please ask Uncle Lu to put more thought into making the small courtyard more beautiful. When the time comes, we will kill the big ones, and won't we earn back the money?" "

Master Lu was stunned for a moment, and said in a dumbfounded way: "It's hard to take advantage of you girl. Look, before we get this little villa, Uncle Lu has to work hard first! Alas, after all, it's still Uncle Lu suffered a loss."

Thats right, there is no free food in the world. Mo Yan blinked and said seriously, without any embarrassment in his words.

The old man and the young man spent two days working on the design of the small courtyard. If nothing else, by next spring, more than twenty exquisite and elegant small courtyards will appear in the Mo family's large orchard.

On this day, Mo Qingze and Xiu Mu came back, and Mo Yan asked about Zhao Fengnian. He felt relieved when he learned that Zhao Fengnian had not "harassed" his father anymore. He seemed to have really given up on the difficulties. If they gave up the idea of getting married, that Fan Meijiao would have no reason to plot against her again.

They left it at that, and she didn't bother to argue with this kind of person. After all, the person named Zhao was a second-rank official in the court, and he still had some foundation in the court. The Zhao family is not that kind of family with intricate roots and deep roots. However, Zhao Fengnian has been an official for many years and has made friends with many officials. Especially since his official rank is not low, there is no shortage of flattering people below him. If he is at odds with the Mo family because of Fan Meijiao's relationship, it is inevitable that he will hate his father and cause trouble for him.

Mo Yans idea was not wrong, but she had no intention of letting her go. So, when the matchmaker came to her door to talk to her, she realized how wrong she was!

Some people are like venomous snakes. You don't want to be bitten, but you just drive it away, and it will chase you. For this kind of snake, you should be more decisive and hit it within seven inches so that it can no longer hurt you.

Oh, its not that the old woman is boasting unconscionably, the Cui family is really a rare and good place. Moreover, Mrs. Cui is extremely satisfied with the county prince, otherwise she wouldnt have asked the old woman to make this trip!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!