Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:01:02 AM

Chapter 931: A chance encounter on the street with sinister intentions (4)

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Chapter 931: A chance encounter on the street with sinister intentions (4)

Chapter 931: Encounter with sinister intentions on the street (4)

The woman who sold her body to bury her father was about fifteen or sixteen years old. She was not very beautiful. She was wearing a white flower on her head and dressed in plain white. Her face was full of tears, but she looked so pitiful that people unconsciously felt pity for her.

After hearing Cui Ping'an's words, the woman clutched his sleeve tightly and said sobbingly: "Oh, sir, if you are willing to provide money to help my daughter bury her father, you are my daughter's benefactor. I have nothing to repay, I just hope to stay." I am a girl by the young masters side, and I still hope that the young master will take him in, woo hoo!

Cui Ping'an has been in poor health since he was a child. What's worse than his health is his temper. Seeing that the woman was entangled, he suddenly became angry. He didn't care whether the man and woman were intimate or not. He grabbed the woman's wrist with one hand and pulled the hem of her clothes out: "Young master said that there is no shortage of maids in the house. These things are enough for pawns." You pick up and bury your father and then return to your hometown, how can you accept being a slave?"

The girl who sold her body to bury her father cried harder and harder. She just clung to the hem of her clothes and refused to let go. Those who didn't know thought that Cui Ping'an had done something that was outrageous to both people and gods, so that a girl's family would risk their skin to seek justice. .

"Hey, little brother, look at how miserable this little girl is crying. You don't act like a master who is short of money, so you just take this little girl back to be a rough servant girl. It doesn't bother you. You take her back. So what!"

Its just that, you see how pitiful everyone is, why cant you show kindness and accept this girl? Its true that rich people are hard-hearted.

Im afraid this little brother is henpecked. If he takes this person back, he wont be able to deal with the mother-in-law at home!

The little beggar happily took the candy. Hearing that after calling the official, there would be more candy to eat, he suddenly lost his fear. He quickly dropped the broken bowl in his hand and ran towards the Yamen. .

Jingzhao Mansion is located in Dongshi, not far from here. Soon the little beggar came back, followed by four government officials.

Mo Yan kept his word and took out a large handful of nougat and gave it to the little beggar. He also gave him some copper coins and reminded him to hide his things and not be discovered by other beggars.

The little beggar hid the candy and copper coins and left with a lot of thanks. Mo Yan just stood there and watched the development of the situation.

Sure enough, when she saw the government servant coming, the girl didn't dare to pester Cui Pingan any more, so she picked up the things Cui Pingan gave her and left.

Upon seeing this, several government officials became more and more sure that the girl had something up her sleeve, so they stopped her and interrogated her. When they saw that she was evasive about where her dead father had parked his car and refused to say the specific place, they took out the chain and held it. People are locked.

No matter whether he is innocent or not, if he finally catches a suspicious person, he will definitely take him back to the Yamen and interrogate him carefully. If he is truly innocent, the government will not unjustly accuse innocent people.

The onlookers did not expect such a result, and the situation exploded instantly. Looking at the woman who was crying and screaming for injustice, they all questioned the yamen who took the person. Just after listening to what the government officials said about the thefts in West City and Nan City, a chill ran down my spine. No one was willing to open their eyes for the poor girl.

Mo Yan didn't care what happened next. When the crowd of onlookers dispersed and the road became smooth again, she got back on the carriage and was about to let Da Hong Zao continue to move forward. The woman who was sold to bury her father was entangled. The young man blocked her way...

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