Published at 3rd of May 2024 05:59:11 AM

Chapter 989: Confrontation(2)

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Chapter 989: Confrontation(2)

Chapter 989 Confrontation (2)

It turns out that this is the case, but it makes me happy for nothing. This child is really pitiful. Princess Fuyun seemed to believe this, but her eyes became colder and sharper.

Mrs. Cui seemed not to notice, and said warmly: "If Xiao Qi knew that His Highness was so worried about him and came to see him in person, he would be very happy. I would like to thank His Highness on Xiao Qi's behalf."

After saying that, he saluted Princess Fuyun again. He was so polite. He did not treat Princess Fuyun as a daughter-in-law at all, let alone the aunt of his grandson.

Princess Fuyun's expression did not change, but her hands under her wide sleeves tightened involuntarily. She couldn't tell that she was Cui Ping'an's aunt, and it was natural for her to come to visit. The person lying on the bed was just a scoundrel. !

With this thought in her mind, Princess Fuyun changed the topic and said straight to the point: "I don't know about Ping An's condition. I heard that the female doctor has not left the palace yet, so I can ask her to come over and talk to me."The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

No matter how lucky a person is, if he is a handful of mud, even if he is temporarily supported on the wall, he will fall off the wall in the wind and sun, and he will only be trampled on by others. The woman in front of her has a pure face and an elegant demeanor. She doesn't look like a peasant girl from a lowly background at all. It's unknown what she really is capable of.

At this time, Princess Fuyun still doesnt know whether her prince nephews recovery is due to Mo Yan, otherwise there would be no further trouble.

If what I remember is correct, you have nothing to do with the Cui family. I wonder why the old lady came to find you. Princess Fuyun looked at Mo Yan and asked intriguingly.

The Cui family's mother-goddess' expression changed with her back to Princess Fuyun, and she looked at Mo Yan nervously. They had never told Mo Yan about the grudges between Princess Fuyun and Cui Ping'an, and were very worried that Mo Yan would tell the truth. If Princess Fuyun knew that Cui Ping'an was under the protection of the Mo family that month, she would definitely hate the Mo family.

Thinking of this possibility, Mrs. Cui was about to speak when she was interrupted by Mo Yan: "Returning to Your Highness, He Jia's master has opened a medical clinic in the city. He Jia often goes to the medical clinic to help the master. Previously, The master came over to show Mr. Cui. Today, the old lady wanted the master to come over for a follow-up consultation. Unfortunately, the master had something to do and couldn't leave, so she told He Jia about Mr. Cui's previous diagnosis and asked He Jia to come over and take a look. .

Instinct told Mo Yan not to let Princess Fuyun know that Cui Ping'an was staying at her house that month when she ran away from home, so she made up this excuse on the spur of the moment. Moreover, Old Doctor Du was indeed invited by the Cui family to show Cui Ping'an. Mo Yan knew it when she chatted with the Cui family's mother and daughter before. When the time comes to talk to Old Doctor Du, she is not afraid of Princess Fuyun going to investigate.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!