Published at 21st of October 2022 05:55:56 AM

Chapter 45: parch

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Having successfully finished my portion of the engraving process, I was exhaling a breath in my room.

Perhaps it was because I hadn't used granting magic in a long time, but I was feeling a lot of fatigue in my body.

The work of granting an imprint requires more concentration than ordinary magic.

Alright. Let's go to bed.

There doesn't seem to be anything to do until tomorrow's opening ceremony anyway.

This sunny, south-facing room seems to be a convenient place to take a nap.

It was right after I pulled a pillow out of the closet.

'Don't be silly! You, how far do you have to go to insult us to make us feel better about ourselves!

Suddenly, I heard someone cursing from the hallway.

Who was it? You know who interrupts people's sleep?

I considered ignoring them and going to sleep, but the men's foul-mouthed words showed no signs of stopping.

When I stepped out into the hallway to see what was going on, I saw a familiar face there.

'Buh, insulting is ...... a terrible way to say it! I just wanted to have a friend. ......

Hmm? What the hell is that Ted guy doing?

Ted, with a paper bag full of "snowball manjuu" in his hands, seemed blatantly confused.

I can't understand what's going on at all, but it seems that Ted's 'manjuu diplomacy' has failed spectacularly.

'Huh? Talk in your sleep, country aristocrat!

"Who's going to be 'friends' with a douchebag like you? Aan!

It's probably us and four of the boys in our class who are hurling abuse at Ted.

'You filthy poison-perch! Don't wear the same uniform we do!

Hmm? What are these guys talking about?

Poison perch are an exotic freshwater fish species that have exploded in river areas, mainly in urban centers.

It is said that they were originally imported as food fish, but some ignorant humans have released live individuals into the wild.

The trouble with the poison perch is its voracious appetite and fertility.

This fish will eat just about anything. It gobbles up aquatic insects, small fish, shellfish, seaweed and even the eggs and fry of other species.

As a result, the ecosystems of the country's rivers have been severely disrupted and have recently become a bit of a social problem.

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