The Romantic Rural Doctor - Chapter 1000

Published at 24th of April 2022 08:16:21 PM

Chapter 1000

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The daughter-in-law mentioned by Lin Lin is Wu Ying of the Wu family. Because of a temporary mistake, she chose to take revenge like a twisted character.

Although wake up later, but regret is useless, after all, has hurt other girls.

However, Wu Ying is pregnant with his flesh and blood because of this, but later because of some irresistible factors, now he does not know where the woman is hiding.

"Mom, although she is pregnant with my child, she probably hates me to the bone. Now I don't know where she is, let alone whether she will leave my child."

The forest is full of helplessness, and he is old and big. Let alone his mother's eagerness to hold his grandson, he also wants to have some big fat kids.

However, the only woman with a stomach movement had a huge misunderstanding with him. Now even no one could be found, so he had to repent.

"You son of a bitch, you have said don't hurt other girls, but you still don't listen."

Knowing the cause and effect, Luo yue'e immediately became angry. As a woman, she naturally stood in the position of a woman. She felt that the forest was too much.

Although the Wu family is hateful, the others are innocent. It must be said that the involvement of a little girl is indeed a distortion in her heart.

"Mom, I already know it's wrong, but I don't know where she is now. Even if I want to find her, I can't find her."

Lin Lin reluctantly replied that he really regretted that he had not hurt Wu Ying, or that he had a better attitude towards her after occupying her.

"If you can't find it, you son of a bitch, I can't see that you have some genes of your father. You have a wife at home and a lover outside."

Luo Yuee swears. Listening to her words, she seems to know the existence of aunt Xian.

"Mom, you know about dad and aunt Xian."

As for Wu Ying, he would naturally look for her, but only by luck.

"I didn't know at first, but once I turned out a picture of your father and the fox spirit. It seems that I became a third party."

Luo yue'e seems a little angry, but now her husband has died, naturally there is nothing to tangle with.

It's very good to be able to be so generous, not to tear them down, but to keep the relationship between well water and river water.

"Mom, after you are in a coma, it's aunt Xian who has been paying the medical expenses. Otherwise, it's uncertain whether the hospital will continue to treat you."

"I just met aunt Xian a few days ago, and I knew that nothing had happened to you. Otherwise, I'm afraid I'll never know you're still alive in this world."

Lin said truthfully, hoping that his mother would not have a bad heart, so that she could reduce her resentment.

"She paid for it?"

Luo Yuee was a little surprised, then sighed, and did not continue to scold.

It can only be said that both of them are sensible women, and they are more magnanimous and open-minded women. Even if they live together, they should not be jealous.

Luo yue'e even thought that she had known for a long time that she should have made clear the relationship openly, so as to save father Lin's Dilemma and live a life of fear every day.

"Lin Lin, find a way to get back the daughter-in-law outside. If she still keeps your children, you can't bear to let her suffer outside."

Luo Yuee returned to the previous topic again, but she felt a little heavy and did not continue to scold.

Naturally, he promised to guarantee it. Naturally, he was very attentive to this matter. After all, it was related to one of his children. Naturally, he wanted to find it back.

A moment later, they returned home, but as soon as the front foot arrived, someone came from the back foot.

I saw the old man himself with the team, followed by the second uncle Luo, and some other women, came to the Lin villa.

"Elder sister, you hurry to save Xinghai. He followed Secretary Yu for most of his life. Now he said he would take it away without saying anything. It's really cruel."

"Elder sister, I know it's wrong for us. Please let go of Xinghai."

Just met, a middle-aged woman immediately cry, he is uncle Luo's wife, that is, tree's aunt.

It seems that the above action is very fast. Secretary Yu gives an order and uncle Luo is taken away directly.

Uncle Luo has always been the umbrella of the Luo family. Because of his existence, the Luo family's career will be prosperous.

Now such a situation has happened. In case what he had done is shaken out, not only uncle Luo is unlucky, but Uncle Luo is also arrested.

"Elder sister, it's all our fault. Please let it go in the face of the whole family. Let us go. We already know we are wrong."

A delicate little girl also began to cry. Looking at her, she should be the little wife of Uncle Luo. She looks younger than the trees.

The old man and uncle Luo didn't speak. Their eyes were filled with anger and resentment. If they didn't have no way, they would never ask for help.Luo yue'e is a woman after all. She is naturally soft hearted when she meets such a scene.

If you don't have the right place to sit, I'm sorry to ask you to speak

"Mom, we don't seem to have any relationship with them. They are them and we are us. Don't make a mistake."

Lin Shu is not a good man. He is a vengeful Lord. The sarcasm he just received is naturally impossible to resolve.

Uncle Luo, in particular, is definitely a very kind-hearted person. He used to pay attention to the debt of the father and the debt of the son. Now he also pays attention to the debt of the father and the debt of the son.


Luo Yuee seems to have some hesitation. After all, she is her relative, so it is hard to avoid compassion.

"Mom, let's go in and drive these people away. What's the matter with the security? We have nothing to do with them. How can we let them in?"

Lin Lin is very impolite. Now that he has come to this stage, it's a joke to make him open up.

"Lin Lin, I'm your grandfather. I've already come to your door. Do you want to be a rebellious descendant?"

Finally, the old man could not help talking, but his attitude was still very arrogant, and he felt that he was the same as the truth.

"Oh, you are my grandfather. I really don't know. Just now, who said that he would never recognize my grandson? Did I hear you wrong?"

Trees immediately fight against each other, for such a disrespectful elder, it is not up to any respect.

"You, you..."

The old man was very angry. He pointed to the tree and said several words about you, but he couldn't say a complete word.

Because after all, he is in the first place to blame the forest.

As for uncle Luo, he held his fists in both hands. He was not in general anger. He didn't seem to realize his mistake. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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