The Romantic Rural Doctor - Chapter 1140

Published at 24th of April 2022 08:14:21 PM

Chapter 1140

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The forest tree didn't know that Ning cai'er was scheming against him in this way. She was the devil. Only she, a crazy woman, could think of such an idea.

It took a whole morning to clean up the top of the mountain. There were a lot of trees and stones at the foot of the mountain. It happened that many villagers needed to repair their houses and let them dispose of them.

"Forest, have a rest. Xiaolian has already cooked a meal. Please go home and have a meal."

Wu Ying opened her mouth and said that she looked at the trees with some heartache and wiped the sweat from his forehead again.

"It's very easy to clean up the soft water at the top of the mountain tomorrow. It should be very good."

It's not ordinary hard work for the forest to spit out a mouthful of turbid gas for its own agricultural product base.

He and Wu Ying come back home, but they get a call from Xu yunyun. They are already working on the hotel arrangement, but they are faced with some problems.

"Yunyun, you wait for me. I'll go there now. If you dare to think of my hotel, you'll be dead."

Forest immediately became angry. This is the first hotel he built here, but someone came to play roughshod and didn't see who covered the hotel.

After hanging up the phone, he didn't even have time to eat. He comforted Wu Ying and immediately left the village to his hotel.

At the moment, in the Hengshui building, the three beauties of Ning caier are sitting together. Opposite them, there is a middle-aged man who is half a hundred years old, and there are more than a dozen fierce people beside him.

"I didn't expect that there were three such beautiful girls in our poor place. I can't help but feel pity for them. Even at my age, I have a young man's impulse."

The middle-aged man made a joke that the public order of Hengshui was very chaotic, and the root of the chaos was naturally people like them.

"Don't think about toads eating swan meat when you are old. I have told you clearly that it's impossible to eat dried stocks in our hotel and get money for nothing."

Ning caier looks cold. She doesn't have a good face in the face of this kind of door-to-door threat.

She knew exactly what these people came for. She even thought that if she didn't give them a cent, she would eat 20% of the shares for nothing. This is robbery and blackmail. As a proud female devil, how can she tolerate such things.

The middle-aged man didn't get angry. Instead, he scratched your eyes on Ning cai'er. It's a pity that he's getting old. Otherwise, just looking at them would make him impulsive.

"Uncle Bai, they are all my friends. You and my father are also friends. If you can give me face, don't come to this hotel for trouble."

Chen Miaoyin suddenly opens her mouth. She is also a local, and her father's identity is different. Naturally, she knows this kind of local snake.

"Miss Chen, this matter has nothing to do with you. It's better not to get involved. Your father will give me all my face, not to mention these two little girls."

"Well behaved, we will not be responsible for the safety of the hotel in the future, or we will take the money in vain."

"But if you don't cooperate, you can try not to cooperate with us in Hengshui county."

Uncle Bai no longer grinds and starts to threaten. For men of his age, money is more interested than women. Naturally, he just wants to make money and then think about women.

All of a sudden, there was a riot outside, and then a dozen police cars came. Looking at this situation, it seems that all the police forces in Hengshui county are out.

"The two girls even called the police, but if you think it's useful, how can I live to now?"

"To tell you the truth, my cousin is Lao Jia. He's a very good man in Hengshui county. I can let these people go back obediently with one phone call, or even change the arrested object to you."

Uncle Bai is not generally arrogant. Now he has no worries. He is still as steady as a mountain. He looks at a lot of people rushing in.

"Xiao Ju, it's such a coincidence, but this hotel hasn't opened yet. If you want to eat, you have to have dinner another day."

Uncle Bai took the lead in greeting each other. They were old acquaintances, and he was even more fearless.

Naturally, these people are called by the trees. For such people, they are caught in one net. It's better to solve them in this way, which also saves them a lot of trouble.

However, he did not simply report to the police, but informed Lao Jia that the bald man was very attentive to him now. After a phone call, he sent all the police forces in Hengshui county.

"White tiger, you don't want to go anywhere now. Secretary Jia is on his way here. Let's see what he says."

Xiao Bureau didn't do it directly. After all, we are all old acquaintances. If we want to do it, we have to wait for Lao Jia to make a statement.

"Secretary Jia is my cousin. What else can I say?"

Uncle Bai doesn't like it. His eyes continue to return to the three beauties, but he feels that he has no body reaction, so he has to take care of them.Ning tsai'er was also fearless and gloating. He felt that these people would have bad luck soon.

Naturally, the forest came here in a hurry. It was a relief to see that everyone was safe at the scene.

"Forest, it seems that you are not doing well in this county. Even this kind of little gangster has been bullied to the end. You can do it yourself."

Ning caier immediately complains, embraces Chen Miaoyin and winks at him, as if to let him see how the woman is.

"Chen Miaoyin?"

The forest tree stares big eyes, looking at Chen Miaoyin's appearance of being conquered by the female devil head now, there is a kind of incredible feeling.


Chen Miaoyin bit her lips, suddenly felt some injustice in her heart, her nose was sour, and there was water mist in her eyes.

"Well? Do you know each other? "

Ning cai'er is a little confused. Seeing the reaction of the two people in front of him, if he doesn't understand something, it's silly.

At first, he didn't intend to have anything to do with this woman, but seeing this situation, he had a kind of intuition that he was afraid that he would be confused later.

"Boy, where are you from? Get out of my way."

Uncle Bai was a little upset. He yelled directly across the street. He seemed to feel that the trees had blocked him from seeing the beauty.

Smell speech, the wood turns to head, afterward the vision is icy to look at him, the backhand threw him a slap, directly pulled him to fly out.

As for more than a dozen people in the back, there were some stupefied people. After reaction, they copied the guy directly.

However, they are just some ordinary people. In the eyes of the trees, they are no different from an ant. Just for a moment, they all fall to the ground.

"Damn, you dare to beat me. Do you know who my cousin is? He's secretary Jia of Hengshui."

"Xiao Bureau, what are you doing in a daze? This guy's murdering and wounding, you don't do it yet."

Uncle Bai covered his face and screamed like a pig. At the moment, he threatened vaguely and urged Xiao Ju to start.

Old Jia just arrived outside. Hearing uncle Bai's threat, he faltered and almost fell to the ground.

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