The Romantic Rural Doctor - Chapter 2862

Published at 24th of April 2022 07:49:43 PM

Chapter 2862

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The forest guessed right. He was deliberately targeted and calculated, but they couldn't think of it. He already had such strength. One person forced the corpse family army to this point.

In their opinion, there are three immortal emperors in the corpse family. If he asks him to come to the door, he is definitely going to die.

But unexpectedly, the three immortal emperors were directly scared away by him and hid deeper into the chaotic starry sky with the remaining members.

"He, he even got a chaotic congenital Lingbao, and he can use the nine nether winds."

In the Dalao hall, several leaders can observe every move of the trees through the task jade card.

They were shocked to see what he had done.

"With such a chaotic congenital treasure, the sage can't come out. Almost all of them have been invincible."

"The way of heaven is unfair. How can he take all the benefits by himself? How can he get such a treasure?"

The saint elder looked up at the sky and sighed. He just felt that God didn't have eyes. He even let the Terran mole ant like role grow to this point.

In the eyes of many races, Terrans are like mole ants because they are born weak and can be born in October. Sometimes they can even give birth to twins and triplets.

In accordance with normal practice, the faster the reproduction of the race, the weaker the strength.

Like their saints, the birth of a new member may take millions of years to conceive success.

And chaos.

Angels don't count. They have saints.

But Terrans, they can always be so strong, it really makes them unconvinced.

"It seems that this task can't kill him at all. We must find another way."

Said the chaos elder.

"I have an idea to lead him to the immortal forbidden area and let him enter it."

The elder of the angel clan said that it was too easy for them to keep passing clues to the trees and want him to go to the forbidden areas.

The other two elders saw the immortal forbidden area. It was a forbidden area in the chaotic starry sky. It was full of all kinds of chaotic storms. Even if the Immortal Emperor entered it, the probability of coming out was almost zero.

"That's it. Pass him clues immediately and let him enter the immortal forbidden area. If he falls into it, he will never get out."

"The acting should be a complete set. Immediately catch several members of the corpse clan and let them cooperate in the acting. We must lead him in."

"As long as he enters the immortal forbidden area, I'll see if his luck can save him."

The three old men collaborated in collusion. They didn't stop until they killed the trees. One plan didn't work. Now they have another plan.

Lin Lin soon received a summons and provided clues. Before, he received clues and killed most of the corpse clan. Now there are clues. It seems that the Dalao hall is not very deep.

He did not know that he had entered a trap. At the moment, he immediately went to a new direction according to the clues provided by the great hall.

"Cosmic Aurora!"

The forest screamed, and he saw another chaotic storm, the cosmic aurora.

This is a very powerful force. When bombarded by this light, a life planet will turn into nothingness.

If it is the Immortal Emperor, it will definitely kill with one blow, and there is no possibility of escape.

Chaotic black hole!

Too magnetic storm!

Absolute zero!

The forest encountered all kinds of chaotic storms along the way, which surprised him very much. How come there are so many chaotic storms here, and one can be seen from time to time.

If he wasn't lucky enough, he wouldn't be blown by the chaotic storm every time. Otherwise, I'm afraid he would have more or less bad luck.

"The smell of the corpse clan."

The forest subconsciously covered his mouth and nose, and sensed the smell of the immortal of the corpse family here.

Without other concerns, he immediately caught up with them. This time, he must not let them go. He must kill them.

Along the way, he suddenly felt that his feet stepped on an empty space, and then immediately fell into the abyss.

This made him startled. In this chaotic starry sky, there was no saying of emptiness at all. How could he step on the air with one foot.

He can't stop himself at all. At the moment, he can only keep falling, and he doesn't know when it's a head.

After falling all the way for more than half a day, his feet finally stepped on the ground, and he stepped on the earth.


His feet were directly fractured, and the whole person was deeply immersed in the earth. Under the influence of inertia, he was like a comet hitting the earth directly. Even with his strength, he couldn't bear it.

"What the hell is this place?"

Looking around the trees, it is still a chaotic place, but the difference is that there is earth here, which is no longer a void space.

"There are new people."

"Another unlucky man came to this immortal forbidden area."

"Hahaha, bad luck!"

There were several teasing voices in the dark, and I didn't know where they were hiding.

"The Terran forest pays a visit to your predecessors. I wonder if you can come out and see me?"

The tree said, he is confused now and doesn't know what the situation is.

"Another lengtouqing has entered the immortal forbidden area. Then don't want to go out. Stay here all your life."

"Hurry to find a geomantic treasure land, dig a pit and bury yourself. In a moment, a sandstorm will come."

"Hurry up. It's too late. There will be no bones at that time."

Several voices continued to spread, and they didn't seem to worry at all, as if the coming danger had nothing to do with them.

In the dark, there are three birds in a cage.

A starling, a parrot, and a crow.

They are the ones who speak. At the moment, haw keeps talking and has been laughing and mocking.

The tree didn't know when she appeared behind them. She reached out and lifted the cage. Looking at the three birds closed inside, she had to be a little surprised.

"Who raised this bird? How did you leave it here?"

The tree opened his mouth and said, he thought it was not simple. What can live here is ordinary birds.

"Boy, I didn't expect you to find your uncle. Hurry to kneel down and worship the master. Call me uncle, and I'll pass on your amazing magic power."

The parrot said. It raised its head and looked like an expert in the world.

"Boy, open the birdcage quickly, let me go out, wait for me to go out, and ensure that no one dares to bully you again in these nine days and ten places."

Starling said hurriedly. He jumped around in the cage, looking very worried.

"Boy, do you have anything to eat? Your uncle bird is hungry. Give me something to eat and let me fill my stomach."

The last crow also opened his mouth. These three times, it seemed that ordinary birds were not ordinary at all. In front of him, he was completely covered with a layer of kindness.

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