Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:47:42 AM

Chapter 11: Waiting for you all night

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Chapter 11: Waiting for you all night

Chapter 11 Ive been waiting for you all night

Du Wan was sitting cross-legged on the bed practicing, sweating profusely.


There was a slight sound on the other side of the window.

Du Wan was stunned for a moment.

This is...someone throwing pebbles at the window?

Sure enough, there was another "pop" sound.

Du Wan was not in a hurry to check. She didn't get up until the pain in her body disappeared. She cautiously moved to the window, then carefully opened a crack and looked out.

Downstairs, in the empty street, there is a man in white standing alone.

The man in white is holding a lantern.

Inside the lantern, the orange flames flickered and flickered strangely.

Probably because he noticed Du Wan looking outside, the man in white intentionally raised the lantern.

Under the darkness of night, the mans hazy face became clearer.

The male protagonist? !

He waved to Du Wan and motioned for her to come down.

Du Wans teeth were sore.

There is nothing wrong with this persons mind.

Having defrauded the original owner of the mine, you still have the nerve to join in?

The big and smart eyes wandered around the room, and their gaze fell on the wooden shelf in the corner. There was a large basin of water placed on the wooden shelf, which she specially asked Chuntao to prepare, intending to use it to wash her face and wipe her body after practicing in the evening.

So, she happily went over, took out a towel, wet it, and quickly washed her face.

I wiped the sweat stains on my body again.

Feeling that this was not enough to relieve his anger, he picked up the wooden basin and put it on the ground, soaked his feet in it, and rubbed it a few times. Then he picked up the foot-washing water.

Carefully walked to the window, opened it wide, and splashed under the window!


Da da da.

The small sound of water splashing down.

In the silent night, it is particularly clear

Hey, Miss Du, why arent you asleep yet? Mu Sian, who was next door, stuck his head out of the window and deliberately shouted at her.

Du Wan rolled her eyes, "It's okay. There are always wild cats making noises at night."

Haha! Wild cat, hahaha...

Shut up, youre disturbing others to sleep.

Under the street, the figure has disappeared.


Du Wan slammed the window door and closed it.

Dont think that she is smiling and optimistic in front of others.

Looking back, she saw Xie Zhang, standing a foot away behind her. In the past three days, she had tried her best to hide, or was she found?

Du Wan blinked and pretended to be stupid for a second, "Are you calling me?"

Are Wanwan angry with me?

How can it be possible? Du Wan was confused inside.

Xie Zhang took a few steps forward, and the distance between the two people became closer.

Du Wan almost stepped back in fright, but she held it back!

Xie Zhang's voice was particularly clear and clear, "Wanwan, I waited for you all night that day."

What day? Du Wans eyes were wide and confused.

Xie Zhang's eyes flashed, "At three o'clock in the morning, under the banyan tree in the east of the village."

When Du Wan heard this, she exclaimed, "It's you! Since there was no signature, I thought it was someone's prank."

Xie Zhang:

Should you believe her?

However, her reaction didn't seem to be fake at all.

Of course it was not a lie. Du Wan just found out that it was the male protagonist who made an appointment with her. Did this...did I miss some annual event?

Xie Zhang was quiet for a while, and then asked hesitantly: "That night at the inn, I asked you to go downstairs, and you still..."

Du Wan said "Yeah" again, "It was you that night."

Its not me, then who do you think it is?


Du Wan blurted out, raised her hand, pointed at his clothes, and added with a strange expression: "White robe, white lantern, late at night..."

Xie Zhang:

Chuntao on the side quickly lowered his head and shrugged his shoulders.

I want to laugh, but I cant!

The smile on Xie Zhang's handsome face did not change, but his heart was not at all peaceful.

Now it is certain that the little girl has changed.

Usually when the little girl sees him, her eyes are always bright. Now that he is gone, he has become strange and alienated, which makes Xie Zhang feel very complicated.

Could it be that she knew something?

Du Wanwan! Come here.

Pei Hao's shout interrupted Xie Zhang's thoughts.

Du Wan turned around as if in surprise. When she saw Pei Hao, it was like meeting her own brother. She immediately ran towards him, leaving the poor male protagonist behind.

Yes, she did it on purpose.

The male protagonist has evil intentions at first sight!

Stay as far away as possible so that he cant plot!

Xie Zhang looked at the backs of the two people and frowned.

After Du Wan walked away, she secretly looked back.

Seeing the other party turn around and leave, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!