Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:43:36 AM

Chapter 143: Unexpected discovery

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Chapter 143: Unexpected discovery

Chapter 143 Unexpected Discovery

Du Wan's voice has not yet fallen.

Tian Xiang finally collapsed and screamed, "No! I said, I said! It was a man named Li Mo, and he asked me to do this. Don't kill my family, don't. Wow, I was wrong, I didn't I should be selfish. I caused my parents to be hurt...and my brother to be hurt."

Tian Xiang burst into tears thinking that he would kill his family.

Du Wan took the opportunity to ask: "Who is Li Mo?"

"He, he is from Wangyue Tower, and his master is the boss of Wangyue Tower. It was he who asked the slave to place an order for the people of Yanmen, but the slave did not dare to go..."

Tian Xiang looked a little crazy, but his speech was relatively clear.

Its just that the boss of Wangyue Tower, everyone in the room was shocked when he said this.

The truth is too surprising. Who is the owner of Wangyue Tower?

It is said that he was just a wealthy businessman from outside. How could he have a grudge against the princess when he could not be beaten by eight sticks?

Du Wan thought about Wangyue Tower's business methods of making money every day, and suddenly understood, "No wonder, if anyone is the richest person in the world, it must be the owner of Wangyue Tower."

"Well, we need to investigate this matter carefully." Pei Hao was also surprised.

This answer is unexpected.

The interrogation of Tian Xiang continued.

Tian Xiang has already explained the important things, so naturally there is no detail missing.

One time Tian Xiang encountered a little snitch, and a handsome young man named Li Mo enthusiastically helped.

It is said that Li Mo was once a well-dressed young master. Later, something happened to his family and he was reduced to working as a piano player in a teahouse on Rongchang Street. Tian Xiang was attracted by his outstanding appearance and conversation. Later, they met several times by chance and gradually fell in love with him. However, as a domestic slave, it is almost impossible to marry outside the family, and reality does not allow it. Tian Xiang thought of redeeming herself and was about to discuss it with her parents. Unexpectedly, her innocence was ruined by Qian Shou that night.

This only hope was gone. Tian Xiang thought about seeking death, but he was unwilling to do so.

The next day Li Mo suddenly came to her and said that his boss wanted to ask her for a favor and would give her a large sum of money when the matter was completed. With this amount of money, she can redeem her family and live a prosperous life for the rest of her life.

Li Mo didnt give Tian Xiang any commitment between men and women, but he looked at her with lingering and affectionate eyes.

Tian Xiang agreed when she was confused and confused.

When he learned that he was going to buy the murderer of the princess, Tian Xiang was very scared, so he used some clever tricks to find Feng Dahu, who usually pursued her.

Tian Xiang did not dare to see the other party for fear that she would be silenced.

At the same time, I think that as long as Feng Dahu is dead, no one will be able to find her.

According to the original plan, Tian Xiang wanted to wait until night to start. Unexpectedly, the Imperial City Secretary arrived so quickly that she was so desperate that she encouraged Qian Shou to kill someone... Du Wan and the others knew what happened next.

Mu Sian also found it incredible, This is the wrong time.

"It's indeed wrong. The boss of Wangyue Tower knew about it much earlier than we did." Pei Hao was sure that it was not them who leaked the news.

Du Wan was confused and asked in a low voice: "Prince Pei, what's going on?"

Pei Hao explained to her softly, "That Alu only went to the Imperial City Department in the afternoon. The boss of Wangyue Tower knew him a few hours earlier than we knew."

We were talking in Wangyue Tower, could someone have overheard us? Du Wan whispered her suspicions in her heart.

Pei Hao thought about it deeply and then said: "The guards have searched all around, so this is unlikely."

You were still with me that day, and you were able to eavesdrop on my dad

"It's different." Pei Hao quickly stopped her from talking, and whispered quickly into her ear, "There are outsiders in the room. Do you think that if you speak very softly, no one can hear you?"

Du Wan:

I was in a hurry and didnt pay attention!

Mu Sian pricked up his ears and listened, but unfortunately the two of them did not continue talking.

It turns out that the prince is such a prince, and has he ever done bad things with a little girl? The way Mu Si'an looked at Pei Hao changed...

Pei Hao has no time to deal with him now.

But in the morning, it was absolutely impossible for anyone to overhear their private conversation with the person in charge of Yanmen.

So, the news was most likely leaked from the Yan Clan?


I overestimate Yanmen!

The subsequent issues of Shangshu Mansion were left to Mu Si'an to deal with.

Pei Hao led Du Wan to leave first, and also took away Tian Xiang, a key figure in the case.

But when Du Wan saw the three Tian family members, he remembered what he had promised, and ordered: "Prince Pei, take the three of them away together. Arrange a new identity and send them out of the city."

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!