Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:43:30 AM

Chapter 147: Evil people will be punished by evil people

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Chapter 147: Evil people will be punished by evil people

Chapter 147: Evil people will be punished by evil people

After waiting for a while, Du Wan heard the sound of fighting inside, then held a long sword and stepped forward with her head held high.

Just in time to see the shopkeeper in the lobby, he stepped forward with fear and fear, "Sir, sir, what are you"

The Imperial City Department handles the case, and other idle people avoid it.

Pei Hao gave a cold drink.

Immediately, officials escorted the shopkeeper and took him aside.

Pei Hao waved his hand.

Thousands of officers and soldiers began to work immediately.

Wangyue Building provides accommodation, in addition to fixed guest rooms, there are also some small attics.

In each guest room, officers and soldiers went up to knock on the door, shouted, invited people out, and sent them to the lobby.

The Imperial City Department is handling the case, everyone, come out!

Everyone, come out and gather in the lobby quickly!

Come out! Those who resist will be treated as suspects!

Come out quickly! Anyone who delays again will be an accomplice!

Come out! Come out!

Du Wan was actually quite impressed by the Huangcheng Division's arrogant way of handling cases.

However, Du Wan moved to Pei Hao's side, leaned forward and asked in a low voice: "Aren't you afraid of offending people if you are so arrogant and handle the case like this? Didn't you say that the guests of Wangyue Tower are either rich or noble?"

The Imperial City Secretary is acting so recklessly, will they lose their temper?

Pei Hao narrowed his eyes slightly, leaned close to the little girl, and said nonchalantly: "Actually, the Imperial City Department usually doesn't handle cases so arrogantly. Today's guests are not afraid."

What? Du Wan was a little confused.

Pei Hao reminded softly, "Have you forgotten? There is a banquet in the palace tonight, and all the real dignitaries have entered the palace..."

"Yes! I didn't think of it for a moment." Du Wan suddenly slapped her forehead.

So, she straightened her back, put her little hands behind her back, and patrolled the lobby again, "Prince Pei, you are not afraid that someone will secretly kill one or two important people. Then your responsibility will be greater."

"My head is spinning pretty fast." Pei Hao smiled and tapped her forehead with his finger, "Okay, thank you for the reminder."

Immediately, Pei Hao ordered his subordinates: "You are sure to be a guest staying at Wangyue Tower. After verifying your identity, please go to the second floor and wait. Send a few people up to watch and don't cause trouble. As for the guys at Wangyue Tower, the handymen Wait and stay squatting in the lobby on the first floor."

As you command, my lord.

The subordinate immediately ordered him to go down.

Pei Hao looked at Hu San again.

Also, what the Imperial City Division wants to arrest this time is a vicious gangster. If you have the strength to get angry with the people of the Imperial City Division here, you might as well think about how to ensure your own safety first.

Now there are many people here and its noisy. Its a good time for strangers to get close. If you are kidnapped by bad guys, you can only do what fate tells you to do. If you are unlucky, your death will be in vain.

...Come on, stand up quickly and let the officials verify your identity and follow the instructions.

You, you, and you.

Du Wan also held a long sword in his hand, which he used as a baton. He pointed this and that way, asking these wealthy people to stand still and keep a little distance apart, so as not to allow people with ulterior motives to take advantage of them.

Get in line again to facilitate identity verification.

Everyone has lost their temper and is extremely peaceful.

Hu San was convinced.

Sure enough, evil people will be punished by evil people.

No, the princess is not a bad person, hehe...

Pei Hao was also amazed by Du Wan's operation.

He thought he needed to step in to calm these people. As a result, it was settled as soon as the little girl showed up.

Just at this time.

An officer and soldier came in a hurry.

Your Excellency, our people searched a courtyard and the guards from Wangyue Tower stopped us.

"I'm going to take a look." Pei Hao told the guards of the Princess Mansion to keep an eye on the princess, and then hurriedly left with them.

Hu San hesitated for a moment, but still followed Pei Hao.

Du Wan saw Hu San leaving, and then realized that Pei Hao had also left.

Just as she was about to follow, the captain of the guard stood up and said, "Princess, Crown Prince Pei just left a message asking you to stay here."

But I I want to see it!

Du Wan did not say the last sentence.

There are a group of big men in the lobby, and without her as the princess to control them, there might really be trouble.

The officers and soldiers of the Imperial City Division were personally trained by Pei Hao, and they were very efficient in their work. Unlike the officials Du Wan had seen in Chiyan County before, they were all just dawdling around to earn wages, procrastinated in getting things done, and escaped faster than anyone else when in danger.

Another group of people were sent to the lobby by officers and soldiers.

They are some students from the Imperial College, and they all look very bad.

At the same time, his clothes were a little disheveled. He must have been dug out by officers and soldiers while he was sleeping.

Du Wan also saw Ning Xianhe in it.

Ning Xianhe stepped into the lobby and spotted Du Wan at first sight.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!