Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:42:47 AM

Chapter 172: The little girl is even more angry

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Chapter 172: The little girl is even more angry

Chapter 172 The little girl is even more angry

Just as Pei Hao thought, just buying a small store is really not a big deal.

The servants of the Pei family went to do it, and with enough money, the transfer process of the shop went smoothly.

So the store was successfully closed the next day.

Du Wan finished eating the snacks given by Pei Hao and ordered Luo Qi to buy them.

As a result, she had been playing chess for more than an hour, and when she came back, she only had a small bag of rock sugar hawthorn slices in her hand, which was not enough to fill her teeth.

Du Wan asked: "What's going on?"

"Princess, my servant spent some time and found out the location of a small shop. The location is a bit remote, so I finally found it, but found that the shop was closed today."

Such a coincidence?

Du Wan looked at the rock sugar hawthorn slices bought back by Luo Qi.

It was a snack she had eaten during the Ghost Festival, the sweet and sour kind.

There is only a small bag now, maybe not even half a catty.

Du Wan pointed to the hawthorn slices on the table, "What about this one? How did you buy it?"

"Oh, these are rock sugar hawthorn slices. They are sold by another small shop. I'm not very lucky. They were all sold out in the past. They said they were all bought by a big customer." Luo Qi brought back a small package. , the clerk kept some for himself in private, "Princess, you can buy this again tomorrow."


When Du Wan heard the address of the store selling rock sugar hawthorn slices.

I dont want to buy it anymore!

what is the reason?

She remembered it. Wasn't that shop owned by Qin Yuyu?

At this time, Ningqin came in carrying a food box.

Princess, Prince Pei has sent someone to bring some snacks.


Prince Pei sent someone to deliver it. Its almost the same as yesterday.

"Let me see."

Du Wan went over and opened the box. It was just like yesterday.

The portion is about the same, just enough for her to eat for a day.

Du Wan closed the box.

You asked someone to buy it, but you didnt get it?

Pei Hao bought it? Who would believe that there is nothing fishy about it?

Du Wan walked out of Yulingyuan thoughtfully, summoned a personal guard, and asked him to find out why the shop was closed.

This matter is really small.

In order to make himself feel better, Hu San told Mu Si'an about Pei Hao's operation.

Musian was stunned when he heard this.

The prince is really a talent, he can always accurately tap into the little girls anger points.

Hu Sanhan smiled and said: "Mr. Mu, please think of a way to help the prince."

"No! He can't help him up." Mu Si'an made up his mind not to help this time, he just planned to watch and have fun.

"Aren't you afraid that the prince will anger you, for example, if your workload increases?"

"No way."

Why not? Its not like there are no examples.


What is all this about?

Mu Si'an wanted to scold her. He was going to be on duty tomorrow. Wouldn't he be on the receiving end of a gun? However, he still didn't want to wade into this muddy water. If the prince is not taught enough lessons, he will not learn well.

Princess Mansion.

Yulingyuan, the masters bedroom.

The door to the room was closed again.

Your servant has noticed something in the past few days.

It is the princess who has been shutting herself in the room. I am afraid it has something to do with Prince Pei. Except for the first day, the princess refused to eat any of the food Prince Pei sent later and gave it all to her servants.

Ningqin looked at the door and sighed, "It's been three days."

How come the princess and Prince Pei are at odds? The meaning of the painting is very confusing.

Shuxiang said: "Prince Pei made the princess angry?"

What did Prince Pei do? Ning Qin came over and asked in a low voice.

Huayi rolled her eyes at her, "You and Luo Qi have been following the princess all day long, and you don't even know about it. How can we know?"

The silent Luo Qi opened his mouth, trying to say something but finally said nothing.

Shuxiang felt a little disappointed when he heard this.

Four maids came to serve the princess at the same time.

Now there is an invisible hierarchy, and Ningqin is the most favored by the princess, who often takes her out with her. Luo Qi is a boring gourd, and he is still remembered by the princess occasionally. Only she and Huayi seemed to have been forgotten by the princess.

Du Wan is being sulked and sad while being speculated by the maid.

I am concentrating on practicing.

A new movement suddenly appeared the day before yesterday.

Hence, she has been in retreat thinking about new moves.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!